Chapter 13

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A/N: sorry I didn't do the double update! I've come down with a cold so I'm not feeling great :(

Also I tried to update this a few days ago but Wattpad was messing around and it kept deleting stuff! So sorry about that!

This is kind of a filler chapter so it's not that exciting but it's important!

Anyway my best friend, Flo wanted to be in this fanfic so she is the role of Azalea, Ivy's best friend!


H x


"Ahhhhh" I shrieked as Azzy came running up to me. She jumped on me and we hugged each other tightly. I'd only been gone a month but I missed her a lot!

"I missed you!" She cried

"I missed you too!" And I hugged her doubly tightly, we gripped onto each other.

Eventually we got out the airport with a few pictures being taken but not too bad! Then we got in the car and I was telling her all about Luke and Harry and everything, She listened intently, slipped in a few comments and laughed at the embarrassing, awkward and funny moments.

When we got to the hotel, I helped her check in and then I took her up to her room.

"Am I gonna get Harry Styles knocking on my door?" She giggled

"Let's hope not" I laughed nervously.

I helped her unpack and we had a proper catch up. Then I went to my room and we both got all dressed up and then I took her down to the bar to meet the boys.

She was wearing a slim fitting blue dress which came down to her knees with black wedges, she looked stunning!

I wore my tight black dress which also came to just above my knees, also black wedges.

We strided in together holding hands and everyone turned to look at us as we came in.

"Guys this is Azzy! She's my best friend from home" I smile

Everyone said hi and that it was nice to meet her and Calum, Niall and Ashton were eyeing her up. I laughed as I knew this was going to happen. She had a little crush on Calum so I'm pretty sure she didn't mind!

A couple of shots and drinks later, everyone was pretty smashed to be honest.

Zayn, Louis and Liam were shouting about something which no one could understand because they were slurring and laughing so much!

Michael and Ash appeared to be having a deep conversation about something. Both a bit drunk.

Niall and Calum were fighting over Azzy's attention. Calum would say something to her and then Niall would try and beat him by speaking over him with an "even cooler" thing. This continued on all night.

I watched her as I could usually tell who she liked. She looked at them differently. After a while of observing, she defo seemed to be more interested in Calum. Poor Niall!

Harry was talking to Lou and occasionally threw me and Luke holding hands and kissing some serious shade, as usual!

Zayn popped a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.

"Zayn!" Harry snapped

"What" he slurred

"You can't smoke in here"

"To be honest Harry I don't give a fuck" he laughed and continued to smoke, deliberately blowing the smoke in Harry's face. Harry remained emotionless and just stared at him, his expression unreadable and then a waiter came over to him.

"Sorry sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave the bar area and go to the smoking area outside"

Zayn glared at the barman for a second but sighed and got up and left sauntering out followed by Liam and Louis, pushing each other.

"So what do you want to do tomorrow?" I asked Luke smiling as I rested my forehead on his.

"I'll do whatever you want" and he grinned and kissed me on the lips softly.

"Let's go to the zoo" Ashton said out of nowhere. Everyone looked at him as they evaluated this idea.

"Yeah! I'd be up for that!" I said after a bit of thought. Why the hell not?

"Yeahhh! And then we can see all those cute monkeys." Calum squealed like a little girl.

"Azzy?" I asked her

"I'd be up for that. Why not" she smiled

"Yay!" Ash looked as happy as a little boy at Christmas.

"Really though the zoo?" Michael sighed. Luke didn't look too impressed either.

I looked at Luke. "You don't have to come babe"

"I wanted to spend tomorrow with you though" he mumbled quietly. This boy was so awkward and that's why I loved him!

"Awww I love you" and I kissed him.

"But you have all of tonight and tomorrow night with me though" I smiled, putting my forehead back on his and bit my lip.

"That's true" he smirked.

"Okay so Ivy, you're coming, Azzy, me and ash then yeah?" Calum said

We all nodded.


Don't ask why the zoo. It's so random but it was an alcohol induced decision!

"Shall we go?" I said to Luke. He nodded.

"Night then everyone! See you guys in the morning" I got up and waved, hugged Lou and Azzy, Luke hi-fived Mikey, ash and Calum and then followed me out.

"How much do you want to bet Cal gets with Azzy tonight?" Luke smirked as he threw an arm around me.

I laughed and shook my head. "She's not that easy."

"Yeah but it's Calum. I mean come on!"

"Ahahhaa true. Calum is a catch." We both laughed

"Guess we'll have to find out in the morning..."

We got into my hotel room and started stripping off.

I was in a playful mood tonight so I pretended I couldn't undo my zip.

"Babe can you help me with zip" I smiled over at him

He practically ran over. And dragged it down slowly. Making sure to 'accidentally' brush my skin doing so.

He kissed my shoulder which surprised me as usually he's so shy and awkward.

I stepped out of my dress. And it came out of nowhere but we just both went for it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me up and we kissed like this for ages and then he changed it up a bit and threw me on the bed.

He lay on top of me. He kissed my cheek deductively, then moved down to my face, then to my neck. Which just sends me crazy. I let a moan escape and I felt him smile and just carry on, sucking on my neck hard. It felt so good...

When he stopped, I wrestled him down, got on top of him. And started doing the same. His turn to moan and I felt him going hard against my leg.

We were gonna have massive love bites on our necks tomorrow. Oh well!

"Stawp. Ivy" I heard him mumble and I pulled away.


"This is really turning me on." He bit his lip and looked at me with those eyes.

"That's not a bad thing" I shrugged and bit my lip.

He looked at me for a second, watching me and then completely caught me off guard and flipped me over, I squealed and he started kissing softly up my bare legs. Wow.

And well I'm pretty sure you can guess what happened next...

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