Fitting in

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Finally today is the day that students start moving into campus. Izuku was a bit nervous to leave home to a completely different environment. Also he's worried about his mom getting lonely. He's all that she has. Knowing her, she'd be worried everyday fearing the worse.
When transferring his belongings to his room he had to get help from Eiji and Uraraka. He didn't trust himself moving boxes up and down the stares. The two friends came by in the afternoon right after unpacking their own things. Even if Izuku had good eye sight he would've still need help with his things. He brought a lot with him.

"I'm so sorry that I had to make you guys help me!" Izuku apologized. The three where carrying the last few boxes up the stares.

"It's really no problem at all!" Eiji said. "I needed to work out this today anyways."

"Yeah it's no problem! Have you figured out who your roommate is yet, Deku?" Uraraka asked. She was having a tough time balancing the boxes she had. They weren't that heavy, it just moved a lot.

"I do, but I forgot his name when I looked at the paper. How about you guys?"

"Oh! I've got Yaoyorozu Momo. I've heard that she got in through recommendations. She seems pretty cool. She should be coming by soon." Uraraka said almost dropping the top box from her stack, but she regained her balance

"That's so cool. I hope I'll get to meet her! How about you Eijisan?" Izuku didn't know that there were students that didn't have to audition to get in to this department. He wondered how well they danced to be recommended to such a high in school.

Kirishima stop at the top of the stairs and looked back at the two with a tight smile. "Oh... I have Bakugo..." He said with a nervous tone. Then there was an cold gust of air that brushed against them.

"Oh! He's a very responsible person! You can depend on him to make sure everything is clean!" Izuku said trying to make the situation better. "Just don't bother him, that's all." He laughed nervously. Then Uraraka started burst into laughter. It was just that the situation moment was so ridiculous. She starts to walk up the stairs again, passing Midoriya.

"Oh my goodness! Sorry for laughing!" The Burnett chuckled. "Hey. If anything goes down you are always welcomed in my dorm anytime." The boys couldn't help but laugh too.
When Uraraka took another step one of the small boxes started to slip. In attempt to catch it her heel fell off the edge. 10 seconds felt like a minute when the girl was falling backwards. If she where to hit the ground, it would leave more than just a concussion. Without a second thought Izuku dropped what he was carrying grabs her around the shoulders with one arm, the other was on the rail so he wouldn't fall either. The boxes tumbled down the stairs. The small one broke open causing medication to fall out, the other was filled with clothes and a odd machine that seemed to broken now. The rest were fine.

"Coco!! Are you okay?!" Izuku asked looking at her. Since they were almost the same height their noses were inches apart. They both blushed and Uraraka pulled away. She nervously fiddled with her thumbs before looking back at the fallen boxes again. Whatever that machine was, it looked pretty expensive.

"Are you guys okay?" Kirishima called out. He walked down to see what happened and looked at the boxes to. Uraraka felt the guilt hit her. The two forgotten how ill Izuku is. Diabetes can effect one's immune system, it didn't help the fact that he already had a weak immune system before he was diagnosed.

"I'm so sorry!" Uraraka yelled and went to pick up the items and put them back inside the boxes. The boys went over to help. She felt tears welling in her eyes while she frantically tries to put the machine back together.

"Don't be! It's really okay, it wasn't your fault." Izuku puts his hands on her shoulder and smiles reassuringly. "I'm just glad It was the boxes and not you that fell." He said. Uraraka nodded wiping away her tearful eyes.

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