Practice makes Perfect

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Izuku has been helping Bakugo with ballet for the past couple of weeks. He's quite surprised by the amount of progress they have been getting. He always knew Katsuki was a fast learner.

"Come on Kacchan! push in more."

"Shit! How much do you want from me?"


Katsuki groans. "Fuck"

"More more!" Izuku chants.

"Damn! You're really greedy."

"Aaandd you can take a break!" Izuku claps his hands. Katsuki gets his leg off the bar. (🌚 don't look at me like that. I did nothing.)
"You can finally do that stretch properly!"

Katsuki huffs and cracks his neck. "Ha, I told you I could get down."

"I expected nothing less from you, Kacchan!" Izuku said while smiling. Katsuki blushed and turned his head away.

"You're still on with that nick name! It's been years."
The blonde muttered out.
Izuku's smile softens.

"But you never said anything about it before... Do you hate it?" He said, making Katsuki blush even more.

"Shit... That's not what I meant!
What I was saying is that you've been calling me that since pre-school. I'm just surprised."

Izuku's smile cane back, bright as ever. "No matter what, you will still be Kacchan. Because you're special to me! Besides I think it suits you."

Katsuki can't handle it. He's alone in a room with his crush, while Izuku casual says things like that. It's surprising that no one gets the wrong idea. Maybe because of how innocent he looks when he does that.

"Since you know most of the basics already. I think we can do your choreography." Izuku walks to his bag and pulls out a speaker. Af few seconds later he puts it down and connected it to his phone. "How about (insert ballet performance because it's supposed to be a secret until that chapter comes) it's going to be really hard to learn in a short amount of time. But I believe in you." He said.

Katsuki grind pridefully. "I don't need anyone to believe in me. I know I can do it." He said cunningly.

Izuku just chuckles a bit. That's Bakugo for you.
When he started playing the music it was loud and passionate. "I only remember some of it when I was younger." Izuku said while stepping in the the center of the studio.

And he takes a breath

After the dance Katsuki stares in aw.
It's been so long since he seen Izuku dance like that. How his heart was into the music. It's almost like everything was slow motion.

"Wow.." Katsuki slips out on accident. Izuku looked surprised with a small blush on his cheek. The blonde started to stutter.

"W-Wow you really haven't been practicing, huh?" He said. Nice save.

Izuku still had a smile on his face, but it was obvious that he looked disappointed. "Yeah, I'm sorry that it wasn't able to demonstrate that well." He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.

Now Katsuki felt a rock of guilt hit his head. Not a nice save after all.

"It's pretty late, so we can continue this tomorrow then." Izuku said putting away his things. "I honestly can't wait to see you dance! Even though it's not what you normally like dancing to, I think no matter what type of dance it is, Kacchan will still be great!"

Katsuki huffs and walks over to the younger male and taps his forehead, making Izuku's head slightly bob. The green haired puts his hand on his head and looked at Katsuki confused.
"If you keep on saying those type of things then someone's take that the wrong way." Katsuki finally said. Izuku tilted his head life a confused puppy.

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