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It's the day of the festival. Mrs. Jokes and her Theater department class is currently doing a play while the dance department started to get ready. Everyone has been on edge.
Not because this was a different kind of performance, but Izuku has been looking a little agitated for a few days now. Usually his neutral face was a soft expression with a tiny smile, easy to approach. Now he has this small glare in his eyes, especially when he doses off.
His friends couldn't help but worry.

"Do you guys think whatever is bothering Deku, is going to affect his dancing?" Uraraka asked. Kirishima and Todoroki where watching Izuku stretching with that glare in his eyes.

"I sure hope not. We practiced for so long." Todoroki said. But he did have his worries.

"He's been like that ever since he had that talk with All Might. Do you think something happened?" Kirishima asked. The two others shrugged their shoulders. Behind the them was Katsuki.
Although it didn't look like it, he was the most worried. He knew Izuku never holds grudges. It's not like him to be upset for so long.

The blonde sighs and found the strength to walk to him. His heart was racing for some odd reason. "Hey, blindy. What's that nasty look in your face?"  Katsuki said kicking Izuku's leg gently.

Izuku was startled, but stayed on the floor. He scratches his cheek. "Nasty look? What do you mean?"

Katsuki squats down and pokes the space between Izuku's eyebrows. "You look weird when you have wrinkles here." He said. Izuku blushes, turning away.

"I-I haven't noticed." He stutters.

"Well everyone else had. When you're in a bad mood the whole class is in a bad mood, and it's annoying as hell." Katsuki yapped, crossing his arms. Izuku's ears perked with a tiny smile on his face. The blonde raised an eyebrow.

"Does this mean you were worried about me?" Izuku asked with puppy dog eyes. Katsuki's heart squeezes and pushes Izuku's face with his had so he wouldn't see him blushing.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Deku." He said letting go.

Izuku chuckles. He feels a lot better now. "I'm fine. It's just that I found out about something I shouldn't have and it's really bothering me." He said fidgeting with his hands.

"Is it about All Might?" Katsuki asked. Izuku jolts.

"H-How did you know?"

"Because you walked out of that closet room looking pissed! Your face was always so easy to read!" Katsuki exclaimed. Izuku blushed in embarrassment. He does have very animated expressions, there's no denying that.

"I guess I was, Huh? But it's really nothing to worry about. Just some family issues that I didn't know existed." Izuku chuckles lightly. It was such a fake laugh. "I'm not really sure if my Idol is even someone I should be looking up too."

Katsuki stares at the younger males face. It was that face again. The kind of expression Izuku has when he's beating himself up for something.
A smile was one thing, but his eyes tell a different story.
The blonde scratches his head, gathering all the right words to say.
"Ash! Who cares about that old man?" Katsuki sucks his teeth.
"So All Might has some dirt in his path. So what? It's not like it's going to stop you from dancing. Right?" He said.
Izuku looks at him with a pleasant surprised look on his face. He's definitely not used to Katsuki trying to cheer him up. Lately Izuku noticed that the blonde was becoming a bit gentle towards him and everyone else. It's quite nice to see this growth of behavior. Though there's definitely a high bet that Katsuki is still going to have that egotistical attitude.

The green haired smiled. "No it's not." He replied.

"You where sulking for the last few days and now you're fine after I said one thing? Shesh why get upset in the first place?" Katsuki said. Adding a rude comment for every somewhat kind expression like always.
They both get up from the floor.

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