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at school, malia, lydia and marcie were in the art room alone trying to work on breaking another one of the codes.

lydia was trying to see if she could write but she couldn't focus since malia was watching from behind her shoulder.

"please stop hovering." lydia told her.

"i'm not hovering. i'm waiting. draw something. write something. we need to know who else is on that list." malia said.

"you mean, you need to know if you're on the list." lydia spoke.

"if someone's coming to take my head off, then, yeah, i'd like to know." malia replied.

"yeah, i can't say that's not a pretty valid reason." marcie said to lydia.

lydia went back to trying to write. she put her pencil in front of the canvas sitting in front of her but she didn't move the pencil.

"can you please just sit down? you're making me nervous." lydia said.

"sorry." malia said going to sit by marcie.

lydia closed her eyes and focused on what she was hearing.

just as she was about to write or draw something, she was interrupted.

"lydia." malia said making lydia annoyed.

"what? oh, my god. what?" lydia asked in an annoyed tone.

"maybe we need help. from another banshee." malia said.

"meredith." lydia and marcie said.


marcie was sitting in coachs class and she was in the middle of scott and stiles.

she looked over at stiles and saw him looking over the pictures of carrie's body.

"economic disparity exists in all forms. well, take sports, for example. some teams have better training facilities. some have better equipment. unlike beacon hills that can barely afford the duct tape to keep our equipment together." coach said as he saw what stiles was looking at.

coach slammed his hands on stiles' desk, making him jump.

"you know, stilinski, if i could grade you on how profoundly you disturb me, you'd be an A plus student." coach finnstock told him.

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