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the girls wanted to organise an outing with me, which made me feel very welcomed into their friend group. especially since they are mainly the 'popular' group, aside from Evan and his possy, both groups are fairly similar. the girls in both groups are stunning so it's intimidating when having a crush on a boy in their groups. that's exactly how i feel right now about Cam. i'm not even sure who his ex is, i don't even know if he likes anyone at the moment. all things which i should probably find out before i try to go ahead and pursue a relationship with him. i'm getting ahead of myself at this point, it's only been 4 (i skipped a day) days since we became friends. i really wanted to hang out with him this weekend though, but that's ok, the girls are kind to me.

"hey y/n, what do you think of this?" Melly popped around the corner with a cute plaid-yellow skirt. my eyes lit up and i nodded.

"that's so cute, it'll suit you so well!" i encouraged her which seemed to make her features light up.

i still had no idea what to buy for myself though, maybe another band t-shirt, but then again i do need a new style. mines so run down and overused, no wonder i was never accepted into these types of groups/outings. i mean Anna never minded but she was my only friend for a good year or so. i'm glad she got me out of my comfort zone and introduced me to such amazing people, i truly do feel welcomed here. which is a strange feeling.

my phone buzzed causing me to jump due to me being startled. the message was from Cam and it stated that:

Cameron -
wanna hang out later, everyone's coming over at like 6. so you should come at like 4 so we can actually talk

y/n -
yeah of course, i'll have to see if it's okay with my mum first

shit. who says that, i mean it's the truth but who says that. i really shouldn't feel so embarrassed about such a thing, but i guess it's too late now.

Cameron -
alg, hope you can

"y/n, we're gonna go now, bye," all the girls parted including me, i hope to god my mother will let me go. i think she will, but sometimes she's unnecessarily strict about it.

i got back home and quickly raced to my mum to ask her the pressing question:
"mum, can i go to my friends place for the night or something?"



"fine, just text me if you need anything,"

y/n -
i'll be over soon(:

Cameron -
see you then

i got changed and readied myself for Cams place. i still feel bad for lying to my mum, but i doubt she'd even let me go if she knew it was a boy. especially me being alone with one for the night.

i put my skirt, shirt & boots on. something different from what i'd usually wear, but it makes my legs look longer. all a ruse into making people think i'm taller than what i actually am.

y/n -
wait what's your address

cameron -
oh shit yeah you need that, (insert random address here)

y/n -

his house was only a short walk from mine, about five minutes. i'm surprised i've never seen him roaming the streets or anything before, maybe he's a hobbit just like me who doesn't like leaving the house very often. not such a flattering thing to say about the person you have interests in...

i arrived at the house and noticed no cars parked at the front, contemplating whether or not he was even home. he'd have to be.

i walked up to the door and knocked a few times, i heard feet shuffling towards the door in a hurry, then suddenly it burst open revealing a tall boy with a goofy smile on his face.

"come on in," he guided me through the house towards what i presume is his room. surprisingly not messy for a teenage boy.

"oh yeah we never finished the 'getting to know each other' game from the other day. wanna continue it?" he spoke with high hopes (for a living).

"oh yeah sure, you ask the first question."

"have you ever dated someone?" he seemed genuinely intrigued by his own question.

"yes, i have. it was Tyler (i am wildcat), things ended on a fairly bad note but that was forever ago. back in year 8. who's your ex?"

"oh my ex is Bordie, do you like anyone?" his eyebrows peaked at his own question once again.

"oh shit really? i had no idea. it didn't seem like it, i mean she kind of made a gesture towards me the other day that made it seem like nothing even happened between you two." my eyebrows raised as i'd become interested to hear the story, but all would be okay if he didn't feel comfortable with talking about it.

"i'll tell you what happened between us later, now what about my question?"

"well yes i do like someone, do you?"

"yeah, she's really cute i think i might ask her out soon. depends how she's feeling." it seemed as though he was reminiscing on something, but he quickly shook it off. but his answer did make me fairly upset, i doubt it's even me who he likes, i mean we can only hope so.

"that's lovely, i hope she says yes, any girl would be stupid to turn you down," i smiled and put a reassuring hand on his knee, he blushed and became flustered at the sudden contact. but he eased into it.

"yeah i don't know, people might think i'm weird though, cause she's younger than me?" he looked up at me from the way he was sitting on his bed.

"i mean no one judged Evan when he dated Sydney who is in year 10." i don't think he should feel frightened to date someone due to them being a little bit younger than him. but i'm kind of hoping it's me who he has an interest in.

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