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it had been two weeks since the incident with cam, he's become more lively ever since, though i'm still very worried about him. he's even become distant from his main friends and spending time with me, helping me. his dad got back the day after he told me to stay over, he was lovely and helpful at making cam feel better and ok. i'm glad he has him to help him when i can't. especially since the funeral was last monday, he was okay that day. he smiled for her and cried a lot, he hugged me like his life depended on it as well that day. he really deserves the best and i hope what i've been doing for him has helped him in a sense.

anna and jay have been together for what, two or three months now? they're out of the awkward stage and you genuinely cannot part them from one another. even though she doesn't really talk to me all too much either, i'm fine with that. she has her friends and all that matters is that she's happy, which i assume she is from the way she prances around the school with a grin on her face. genuinely made me happy seeing her happy as well, knowing my best friend is doing well is comforting.

cam and bordie has spoken about what happened as bordie was also close with cams mum, i had no issue with this. they're friends, and friends are supposed to comfort each other.

"y/n!" cam waves a hand in front of my distant face causing me to jump not realising i had zone out. "you ready?" oh yeah, we had plans after school.

"oh yeah," i follow him to his car which still smelt of him and his comforting cologne. "i forgot where we're going..." i say in which he laughs at.

"we're going on a date idiot," i blush violently, how did i forget that.

"w-what? but i'm still in my school clothes and-" he places a finger to my lips signaling me to shut up. which caused me to blush in embarrassment this time. i push his hand away and continue to speak, " do you understand how boring i look today?" he giggles and flashes me a disagreeing side eye causing me to blush once more.

"y/n i don't care what you wear, you're always beautiful." i lightly punch his shoulder causing him to jokingly yell ouch. "well i mean this is a date to me, we're just going to go to the museum."

"museum! yes," the museum reminded me of my childhood, a good feeling. maybe he really is perfect.

the drive to the museum was filled with us talking and singing to songs, more just me singing and him laughing.

we arrived around 4:15pm and hopped out, i rushed him inside whilst grabbing ahold of his warm hands. walking through the doors my jaw dropped.

"they got rid of the big whale that was on the ceiling."

cam giggled and shook his head and pointed further ahead, the whale had just changed areas, that's alright then.

Cut My Hair // Fitz x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now