Always, Forever, Eternity

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Sunlight gently taps the mountains,

waking them from sleep.

They roar awake making tremors travel across the land.

If woken too early,

short-tempered ones will explode in anger,

destroying everything around it, until,

rain caresses mountain's shoulders and calms it down.

But mountains are always short-tempered,

and will erupt again, always destroying.

Wind gently blankets the sand

centuries old and creates sand art.

The sand grains are never in the same place twice.

Always thrown around in the wind,

always separated from friends or lovers,

that once were next to them

but only for a fleeting second.

But when the wind is too enthusiastic,

sand grains accumulate to create sky scraping dunes!

Such mountainous structures withstand the wind

and sand grains settle into place forever.

Raindrops gently tap the cloud

holding them hostage.

The cloud refuses to let them go,

so, raindrops' hearts grow cold,

and the cloud must let forth the snow,

or it will freeze to death.

But when released, the snow quickly melts,

turning once again to rain and recaptured by clouds.

This is an eternal cycle.

Nature binds itself to the earth,

always finding itself in a paradox

of creating and destroying.

Nature has internal wars within itself,

forever fighting to the death only to be resurrected

and soon, killed again.

Nature chains itself to patterns,

following a routine for eternity,

but sometimes it is unpredictable.

There is no escape from this turmoil.

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