Chapter Two: "Home."

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Hordak's grip on Catra's hand tightened as he leads her across the wooded area of the Whispering Woods.  The grass between Catra's bare toes was mushing, and cold.  It set shivers up her spine at its very touch as she walked.  Looking up, Catra could feel the rain pouring on her face, cleaning very little of the mud off.  Looking back at Hordak, Catra stares at his cape, without thinking, lets go of Hordak's grasp and wraps his cape around her like a blanket.  Looking down, Hordak gives her a disapproving glare, making her let it go.  Feeling a cold breeze brush against her face again, she shivers.  The cold, wet air was like someone brushed a still wet paint brush across her face.  With each gust of wind, Catra found her self shivering more and more.  Taking a deep breath, and muttering something under his breath, Hordak takes off his cape, and wraps it around the small, freezing child.  Feeling the warmth around her, she looks up at Hordak with a look of shock spread across her face.  He reaches his hand out to her again without even looking, awaiting for her touch again.  Looking down at his hand, she wrapped herself up more with the red cape before finally taking hold of one of his fingers.  Catra's tail flickered as a warm breath of air floods Catra's face.  

"We're here." Hordak whispered.  Looking up, all she could see was mountains of what looked like technology buildings and towers of metal.  Some of the buildings looked like parts and bits of robots, and other metals.  A sense of fear washed over Catra at the sight of it all.  Her yellow and blue eyes widen as Hordak walked right into the mesh of metal and technology.  Having no other choice then to follow, she tightens her grip in fear of what to come.  When she first touched the metal ground with her bare feet, a chill went up and down her spine.  It only made her fear increase by half a mile.  How Hordak could not fear the place was beyond Catra.  But anything was better then staying in the village and getting soaked by rain.  The two walked hand in hand into a mesh of rooms and hallways.  With each new room they passed, the pit in Catra's stomach would get slightly deeper, and deeper.  Without realizing, Hordak stops, making Catra bump into him by mistake.  He looks back at her and then turns back around.  Catra turns her head to see what Hordak was looking at.  It was other kids.  For they were in a bunk room, full of bunk beds, each side of the room had at least six in a line. 

"Young Hord soldiers, front and center!" Screamed Hordak, making Catra flee behind him in fear.  Hordak reaches around, and rubs Catra's back in support.  Feeling less scared, she peeks her head around to see the other kids all staring back at Hordak in fear.

"It's Lord Hordak!  Quick, get in line!" One of the kids yelled in fear.  Once all the kids gave a salute to Hordak, one by one each child knelt down on one knee in respect.  After scanning all of the kids, Hordak grabs Catra's arm gently, pulling her from behind him.  He sets her in front of him both hands on her shoulders.  Each child looked up at the small cat child, and were in disbelief.  Some looked at her in disgust, others looked surprised, and one looked interested right away by her.  As if a spell was cast upon them, just by looking at her.  Hordak gives a heavy sigh before speaking once again in his normal tone, which was dark and gravelly.  Almost like he just ate a cup of rocks and was still swallowing it.  

"Children, we have a new recruit.  Meet Catra."  His grip on her shoulders tighten.  Catra's fears would not leave her as she looked at the other kids.  Some looked way older then her, others looked around her age.  But none looked younger or about her age.  Hordak's grip loosened around Catra's shoulder as he pointed out one child among them all.  She was small in size, bright blue eyes, wearing a white T-shirt with red shoulders, gray shorts, and her blonde hair in a pony tail.  

"Child, come forth." He ordered.  The child nods and walks forward.

"Yes sir?" Hordak pushes Catra away from him along with his cape, and closer to the unknown child.

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