Chapter Four: "Introduction."

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Unlike the day before full of pain and sadness, this day was full of love and laughter as two friends ran together hand in hand across the cold, metal floor of the fright zone.  Catra's tail flicked in the wind as she ran with Adora by her side.  Adora's pony tail whipping back and forth on the back of her head.  A big smile on both of their faces.  Reaching a corner, Adora looks back at Catra, with a squeeze of her hand, she pulls her closer to her, places a whisper in her ear.

"Okay Catra, I need you to listen closely, okay?"  Catra nods, understandingly.

"Okay, around the corner are my friends, and I want you to meet them."  Catra's smile soon faded away, and was replaced with a face of fear.  Seeing this, Adora tries to calm her fears with another squeeze of her hand.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll like you."  Adora offers an encouraging smile.  Catra looks down, still unsure of what was to come with the meeting of Adora's friends.  But after looking up again, looking into Adora's eyes, she sees a gleam of pink and purple swipe across her blue eyes.  A hint of love could be seen in that gleam, feelings of being unsure fade away from Catra after seeing that.  Her lips curled back into a smile, and with a nod of assurance, Adora pulls Catra around the corner only to see three other kids.  One was a girl with dark skin and greenish yellowish eyes.  Her hair was brown and was curled back in a somewhat ponytail.  The hair it's self was divided evenly in three sections on top of her head as the rest pulled back.  Another was a boy, with dirty blond hair, and brown eyes.  He had a half smile on his face awhile with his buddies.  The last one was a boy lizard.  His scales were green in color, with yellow eyes, with pupils that faced out words like a predator's eye.  He had spots of dark green on the top of his head, and spikes on his head.  Adora smiled, and gently pulled Catra around the corner to meet them all.

"Hey guys!" Adora greets, flashing a tooth filled grin to her friends.  Each one of her friends smiled back at her.

"Hey Adora."  The girl smiled.

"H-hey Adora..."  The boy shuddered.

"Sup Adora?"  The lizard waved.  Catra tighten her grip on Adora's hand as everyone in the room look at Catra.  With all those eyes on her, she felt as if they were staring into her soul, like they were searching for something wrong with her to make fun of.  Sweeping those feelings under the rag, Catra offers a half smile to the kids, in hopes of winning over their friendship.

"Catra, these are my friends."  Adora points to each of her friends, calling them by name.

"This is Lonnie."  She points to the girl.

"This is Kyle."  She points to the young boy.

"And this is, Rogelio." She points to the lizard.  Catra waves to them all, trying not to act afraid.

"Adora, who's the kid?"  Lonnie asks, in a harsh tone of voice.  Adora, ignoring the tone, offered a smile and wraps her arm around Catra.

"This is my new friend, Catra.  She just got here the other day, and I thought she should meet you guys!"  Catra rubs her arm a little embarrassed, with a hint of pink blush across her cheeks.

"So, what's her story?"  Kyle asks, wanting to know more about her. 

"Well, much like me, she was left by her family, and Hordak found her and brought here."  Lonnie's lips curled into a smirk.

"Funny, I heard that she got burnt by one of our simulation robots, and Shadow Weaver made it worse!"  Lonnie and Rogelio started to laugh, as Kyle, Adora, and Catra all stood there in shock.  Catra's eyes started to swell with tears, but she quickly blinked them away so no one would see.

"Yeah, and I heard that she has to sleep on Adora's bunk because no one would share with her!" Rogelio added, as if he was trying to rub more salt on Catra's wounds.  

"Listen kid, if you can't be tough around here, you might as well go back to that street corner where Hordak found you!"  Lonnie spat verbal venom in Catra's face with that last comment.  Unable to hold it much longer, tears streamed down Catra's cheeks before turning to run away, and out of Adora's grasp.  

"Catra wait!"  Adora calls out to her, but to no avail, she was already gone.  In a fit of rage, Adora turns back to her friends and shoots them an evil glare.

"That was so mean you guys!  Here she is trying to fit in, and all you do is rub salt on her wounds, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves!"  With that, Adora  runs off to find Catra.  Although she was pretty sure were she was.  Making her way back to the bunk room she sees a covered figure on her bed.  Tiny sobs could be heard in the room. 

"Catra?"  Adora walks around her bunk, and uncovers Catra's face, making her hiss.


"Catra, it's okay, it's only me."  Adora sits by her side, as Catra wipes away a tear with her still covered hand.

"It doesn't matter what they do to us.  You know?  You look out for me, and I look out for you, nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other."  Adora offered her a smile of encouragement.

"You promise..?"  Catra whispers quietly, but just loud enough for Adora to hear.

"I promise..."  Adora pulls Catra in for a well needed hug before grabbing her hand.

"Come on, let's go back out."  Catra nods smiling again for the first time in what felt like forever.  A piece of mind stayed with Catra at that moment, she knew something was going to be different, with either her self or Adora was uncertain to her, but she knew it was gonna happen, when was also unknown, but the time, Catra pushed it to the back of mind, trying not to focus on it at the moment.  Looking at her friend's inviting smile, all doubts and troubles from before left her, a small blush formed again, but instead of it being from embarrassment, it was from happiness.  A smile formed on her face as she walked side by side Adora, going to only God knows for their next adventure. 

Author's Note:

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