Chapter One: "Found."

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It was a very cold, raining, thundering day went it first began.  The rain clouds draped over the sky as if it was a blanket of fear wrapped around the planet.  As the rain fell on the cold ground all that could be heard besides the droplets hitting the ground across a small abandoned village, made of concrete, and pavement, was footsteps.  Big and heavy, as if the person who owned them, was a giant visiting the small town on business.  The village buildings were trampled and falling apart.  Most of the buildings were made of stone with plants and other vegetation growing around it. The pavement was cracked, with rain water filling them in.  Pieces of stone from the buildings littered the streets.  But unknowingly to most who once lived there, lied a small, damp, object.  The owner of the footsteps looked over at the object.  His deep red, pupil less eyes scanned across it, as if he was waiting for something to happen.  He walked over very slowly, as if he knew what was there, and didn't want to frighten it.  Once he was close enough, he looked down upon the object, and that object was a child.  Not just any child, a cat child to be more precise.  She was holding a small, tore up plush bear in her right arm.  Her face was stained by mud, and blood from old wounds and cuts, her clothes were tore, wet, and dirty, and her hair was tangled and mashed like a rat made a home on her head.

  She looked up at the figure with mixed matched colored eyes of yellow and blue.  Her large cat ears flattened, and all that escaped from her lips was a small cry of fear.  The figured bent down, and with his mighty arms, he picked up the small child by her arm pits.  His hands felt warm against her wet, and cold skin.  He brings her closer to his face, making her drop her toy, and gives her a small smile.

"Hello." He whispered gently, making sure he did not frighten her.

"I am Hordak, Lord Hordak."  The girl's cat ears flickered to his voice, as if she was trying to listen carefully.  Setting the child down on the cold, wet pavement, her bare feet splashed against the water.  The girl looks up at Hordak, and studies him carefully.  His face was pale white, almost like color feared the look of his face.  His ears was pointed up words, much like her own.  He wore a deep red cape that wrapped around his neck nicely.  His arms and legs looked as if they were made of gears, and motors.  His chest was covered by a large, black cloth with what looked like devil's wings on the front painted in red.  The only thing of color on his head was a small mohawk of blue hair on top of his head.  The child gulps as he reaches his clawed hand out to her. 

"What is your name..?" There was a pause.  After a moment of hesitation she grabbed his large hand with a shaking grip.  He wraps his large fingers around her tiny hand, and moved forward, she follows, taking one last look at her corner and her old toy before looking up at Hordak.

"Your name..?" He asks again, this time in a slightly louder tone.  The girl lowers her ears again, before finally speaking. 

"C-Catra..." She finally whispered.  Her voice was quiet, and shaky.  So shaky, Hordak couldn't tell if it was from fear or from the cold rain dripping against her young flesh.  Hordak smiles slightly at the child.

"Catra... What a lovely name." He whispers quietly to himself.  He looks down at Catra, her eyes glued to the damp pavement as the rain splashed against it.  

"How old are you, Catra?"  She looks up at him slowly, and lets go of his hand.  She then holds up her hands and points out six fingers.  Hordak nods somewhat understanding what she meant.

"You're six?" He asks.  Catra nods slowly, reaching for his clawed hand again.  He grabs her hand, and two started to walk again down the wet pavement.  His grip on the child's hand tighten slightly as an idea crosses his mind.

"You know, where we are going, I have another small child, and she is also six years old."  Catra's eyes widen slightly.

"I think the two of you would get along great."  Hordak's smile faded when he saw Catra's eyes back on the ground.  He could feel her tiny fingers tightening their grip on his hand.  He takes a deep breath and sighs. 

"What happened to your parents, child?"  Without even looking up, she spoke up in a very, very quiet tone.

"They went bye-bye..."  Hordak raises an eye brow at her.

"What do you mean?"  She sighs.

"They left me.... I don't know where they went, but they left me..."  Not wanting to push it farther, Hordak leaves it at that.  As the rain falls and drips off of Catra's nose, Hordak asks one last question.

"How long have you been alone?"  Stopping again, Catra lets go of his hand once more.  This time, she holds up one hand, and points out one finger.  Unsure of what she meant, Hordak pushes farther.

"One what? Day? Week? Month? Year?"  Catra sniffs.

"Month..." She whined.  Hordak's eyes widen with shock.  Could a six year old really survive on her own for a month?   Getting down on one knee, Hordak grabs Catra's shoulders gently, and pulls her closer to his face.  With her eyes looking straight into his, she scans them in search of something or other to focus on.  With nothing to be seen, she simply stares into the empty redness of his eyes, awaiting his next move. 

"Catra.... Where we are going, you won't have to worry about being alone, any longer.  You'll have something to call home again."  The tone of his voice was so sincere, and so gently, she felt as if she had found a father to raise her, and look out for her once again.  For the first time in that whole conversation, she felt safe... With all that being said, Hordak gets up, and reaches for her hand again.

"Come along.... You'll see.." Taking his hand once more, Catra's tail flickers at the cold rain fall drips onto her nose as they walk farther and farther away from the village, and into the unforgiving Whispering Woods.

Author's Note:

Hope you guys like it so far! 

Images in this story belong to their former owners.

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