Chapter Nine: "Fixed."

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With a new paint bucket of bright green in hand, Adora climbs her way up the metal ladder to the old force captain's room, where she first saw the amazing painting her best friend spent five years painting.  Once at the top, she calls out to her friend, hoping she was there.

"Hey Catra!  I noticed that you never showed up to cool down, so I figured you would be-"  She stops as she turns the corner, to see Catra sitting in front of a blank, white wall.  Adora drops the paint bucket, and rushes to her side.

"Catra!  What happened, where's the painting?"  Catra looks up, and shoots Adora an angry glare.

"You know darn well what happened!"  Adora takes a step back in shock.

"Catra, what are you talking about?"  Catra gets up from her spot, and pokes Adora in the chest, making her move farther away with each poke.

"You told Hordak about the painting!  He told me that someone told him about it, and he made me get rid of it!  He told me if I didn't get rid of it, he would get rid of me, I had no choice but to paint over it cause of you!"  Catra's eyes filled with tears as the last poke she gave, made Adora press herself against the wall.  Adora stares into her friend's eyes, on the brink of tears herself.

"Catra... I never told anyone, I promised I wouldn't and I haven't."  Catra grits her teeth.

"Then who did!?"  Adora bites her lip, trying to think of who it could be, but the answer soon hit her like a ton of bricks.

"Hordak's spy!"  Catra raises a brow.

"What?"  Adora moves up from the wall on places her hands on Catra's shoulder.

"Hordak has a little spy.  You know that little demon like creature that's always around him?"  Catra bites her lip and nods.

"That's his spy.  He must of been in the vents at the time you showed me this.  Hordak always sends him to spy on others, to see if anything is out of place, and reports it back to him."  Catra lowers her ears in shame. 

"So, you didn't tell...?"  Adora shakes her head.

"No way, I wouldn't ever do that to you."  Catra looks down at the metal floor, unable to look at her friend.  She couldn't believe she accused her friend of such a crime, it was like rubbing salt on her still open wounds.  Adora used her index finger to lift Catra's chin, making her look up at her.

"I'm so sorry that the painting is gone, Catra.  I know you worked really hard on it."  Catra moves Adora finger from under her chin.

"It doesn't matter anymore, what's done is done.  We can't get it back."  Adora looks down for a moment, before looking up again, this time with a smile.

"Why don't we re-paint it?"  Catra's eyes widen.

"We can't re-paint it.  What's to stop Hordak from ruining that one too?"  Adora walks over to a small table, and picks up some pieces of paper.

"Not if it's on paper.  Think of it, he only found out about the painting cause it was big and flashy, but if it was small and easy to hide, he'll never know!"  Catra's lips curl back into a smile, her eyes light up with excitement.

"I'll even help you make it this time."  Adora hands Catra a few pieces of paper, and grabs her light green paint bucket.  

"Let's get to work!"  Catra nods, and places the pieces of paper on the ground before going to grab big and small paint brushes.  Awhile Adora goes to grab a rainbow of different colored paints, along with paper towels in case of a mess.  With one easy *POP*  Catra was able to open up the first paint bucket, and dips her brush in it.  The color was a light blue for the sky.  

"I'll work on the sky first, you work on the grass, okay?"  Catra starts to brush her paint brush lightly across the top on the piece of paper.

"Okay, then I'll work on the flowers with you."  Catra nods, and dips her brush in the paint again, adding a new thin layer of paint.  Adora dips her brush in her light green paint, and lightly drags it across the bottom of the piece of paper, careful not to over lap with Catra's hand.  She then lifts her hand up, and dips her brush up and down on the paper to add the texture to the grass.  

"That looks great, Adora."  Catra smiles as she finishes up the sky.

"Aw thanks Catra, and that sky looks great too."  Adora's cheeks start to flush with every word she spoke next.

"I really like this, Catra.  I feel like it's bringing us closer together as friends, and as people."  Catra's cheek start to feel warm, as pink blush swipes across her face.

"Yeah... I.... I feel that way too."  The two girls look away from each other, face's flushes, and emotions high.  Adora clears her throat, and dips her brush in the red paint to make the first flower.  Catra does the same, but with the orange paint instead.   After countless hours of dripping brushes, hand aches, and landscapes, the two best friends were finally done with the mini version of the original merial.  Adora smiles at their handy work, and holds up the now dry painting.

"So, what do you think, Catra?"  Catra turns over to her friend smiling.

"About what?"  Adora smiles back.

"About the painting.  Is it as good as the last one?"  Catra frowns for a split second.

"No."  Adora's face drops, as Catra smiles again.

"It's better, cause you helped."  Adora's smile returns to her face along with a little bit of pink blush across her face.  Adora holds the painting in one of her hands as they both climb down the metal latter, leading to the dark, abandoned hallway.  

"So where should we put it?"  Catra asks, looking down at Adora's hand.  Adora smiles at her friend.

"I know just the place."  Unknowingly to Catra, Adora had a few small pieces of tape in her hand.  They two soon made their way to the bunk room.  Adora climbs up on the bunk first, and places the painting on the bottom of the top bunk above them.

"What are you doing, Adora?"  Adora looks over her shoulder and smiles.

"Putting our painting in the perfect place."  Adora places the last few peices of tape on the painting corners, making it stick to the bottom of the top bunk. 

"Now when ever we go to bed or wake up in the morning, that will be the first thing we see.  So, we'll be reminded of our dream."  Catra's eyes fill with tears of joy, and embraces Adora tightly.  Adora hugs her back,  wipes her tears away.  With Adora's hand still on her cheek, Catra snuggles her cheek against it, as a sign of affection for her friend.  Adora blushes slightly, and pulls it away before crawling into bed.  She looks at the clock on the wall and see's it was way past their normal bed time.  Adora crawls under the covers of her bunk.

"Goodnight Catra."  Catra curls up at the bottom of the bed, and purrs loudly.

"Goodnight Adora."   Adora pets Catra's ear in affection before the two friends fall in a deep sleep for the night, both feeling happy, loved, and warmth from their friendship.

Author's Note: 

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