Chapter Three: "Pain."

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The warmth of the next day's rising sun could not be felt in the small, cold room where Catra lied by herself.  Her tail clenched around her legs as if she was searching for some amount of warmth she felt the night before.  Finally unable to take it much longer, she sits upright, looking around the bed for her new friend.  Only for her to be no where to be found.  Her ears began to flatten, a feeling a sorrow and sadness over came her.  Without warning, tears filled her eyes as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"You're finally awake!"  Turning around, Catra see's it's her new friend, Adora.

"Come on, get ready so we can get started."  Adora smiles at her.

"G-get ready...? F-for w-what?"  Catra shuttered.  Adora's eyes widen for a moment.

"For training.  Didn't Hordak tell you?"  Catra shakes her head.

"Well, as long as you stay here, you have to undergo training.  It's to make us stronger, faster, and be able to take down our enemies!"  Catra's ears stayed down after hearing the last part.

"What enemies?" 

"You'll learn in training, but first, get ready so we can go!  And don't forget to brush your teeth!" Adora leaves Catra's side and goes off to only God knows where.  Catra gets up, and goes to get ready for whatever the Horde had in store for her.  After showering, and brushing her teeth, and putting on clean clothes, she goes back to the bunk room where Adora was waiting for her.

"Oh great, you're ready! Let's move!"  Adora grabs Catra by the hand, and they both run off to the training site.  The site was no more then a giant room with computer generations of enemies.  The room it's self was covered by a very large door where most of the kids stood right in front of, along with a large, blue lizard creature.  He was the general of the Horde.  His eyes were green, and just like Hordak, his eyes were pupil less.  His arms had spikes, and a very long tail.  He held a clip board in his clawed hand.

"Young soldiers!" He yelled. "Front and center!"  Each one of the young children, teens, tweens, kids of all ages lined up in front of the large door, facing their general each child wearing a small, green training pad on their chest.  Adora and Catra line up along with the other kids holding hands.  Adora puts on her green training pad as one of the large teens look down at Catra with a look of disgust before whispering something to the teen next to her.  Catra's eyes drift to Adora, looking for any sign of support.  Adora sees this, and offers her a smile to try and calm her nerves. 

"Alright, listen up!" Every child stands tall and face their general.

"Today we will be doing a simulation of saving a town from the evil princesses."  Catra raises a brow to that statement.

"Princesses? I thought they were nice, at least they are in the story books..."  Everyone looks down at Catra and laughs.

"HAHAHA! Did you hear that? Princesses, being good! HAHAHA!"  Catra blushes embarrassed.  

"HEY! QUIET!" The general yells.  Everyone stops laughing, and go back to being serious.

"Adora, please explain everything to, Catra."  Adora gives a salute to the gerneral, and turns to Catra.

"Well, around here, princesses are evil, and cruel.  They want to destroy everyone, and everything we all worked for.  As a Horde soldier, it's our job to stop them, and keep balance here in Etheria."  Catra looks down at the ground afraid.

"Didn't you know any of this?"  Catra shakes her head.

"How come? You were born here weren't you?"  Again she shakes her head.  The general sees this, and narrows his eyes.

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