Chapter Fifteen: "Come for You."

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The air in the room grow thicker and thicker as Lord Hordak paced across his lab.  His arms wrapped tightly behind his back, his red pupil less eyes narrowed at the ground, a low grunt flowed from his throat.  His patience was wearing thin.  Finally, his pacing ended when he heard the voice he had been longing to hear from for the past two days.

"You wanted to see me, sir?"  Catra's ears lowered, and flattened against the sides of her head.  Her mix matched colored eyes staring blankly at Hordak, awaiting his next move.  Hordak turns his head towards Catra, his frown grows deeper.  His voice was like venom when he finally spoke.

"Where were you for the past two days?"  His normal deep voice was lower with a hint of annoyance sewed into it.  Catra gulps a hard gulp, and struggles to find an answer.  All she could managed to get out of her mouth was a series of "Ums" and "Well.."  Hordak grew tired of her games, and stomped over her.

"WHERE WERE YOU FOR THE PAST TWO DAYS, CATRA!?"  His screams echoed through out his lab, making Catra jump and shake in her uniform. 

"I-I was scouting!"  Catra managed to spit out.  Hordak narrowed his eyes at her again.

"Scouting where, Catra?"  Catra's tail flickered with fear.

"A-around B-bright Moon.."  She looks down at the ground, and twiddled her thumbs.

"Why were you around there?  I only said to place a few heat bombs in near by towns!"  Catra turned her head in an effort to not get any of Hordak's spit on her face when he screamed once again.  

"I was looking for advantage points around the castle in case we were gonna attack again!"  Catra's eyes narrowed at Hordak, in hopes of looking serious enough to convince him.  But she failed.


Hordak pounds his fist against his table, making Catra shake with fear once again.

"You think I'm a fool, Catra?" Hordak places a hand on her shoulder, and slowly starts to squeeze it.  First lightly, and gently then hard and tight.  Catra winced in pain, but stands as tall as she could.

"N-no sir!"  She whines.

"Then tell me this, if you aren't lying then why is the smell of lust on you!"  Catra froze.

 "You were with someone weren't you?"  Catra holds her arms to her sides afraid to move or say anything.  She thought back to the day before when she and Adora finally kissed, and though Catra would never admit it, she liked it a lot more then she thought Adora did.  She blushes as she thought back, making Hordak's grip tighter.

"ANSWER ME!"  Catra couldn't hold it in much longer.  She knew she had to come clean if she wanted to live.

"YES!  I WENT TO GO SEE ADORA AND I ENDED UP KISSING HER, OKAY!?"  Hordak's grip finally loosened, making Catra fall to her knees on the cold metal floor.  She looks up at Hordak with tears streaming down her face, she tail wrapped around her waist in an effort to comfort herself.  Hordak showed no pity.

"I'm disappointed in you, Catra.  Letting your emotions and thirst for lust blind side you."  Catra gritted her teeth.

"Now wait, we didn't do anything like-"  He smacks her across her face, making her fall to her side.

"IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU DID DO IT OR NOT!  YOU STILL LET YOURSELF BE CONSUMED BY HER!"  Catra turns her head to face Hordak once again, now with a bruise on her left yellow eye. 

"I never thought a child that I found would ended up being such a disappointment."  Catra's eyes filled with tears once again, her claws scratched against the metal ground. 

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