Ch 18: War Cry

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Deacon, John, and I stripped the coats, pants, and boots off of the still-warm bodies and put them on as a disguise. I took a Scribe's outfit while Deacon and John assumed the Knight look.

"I feel like this is a shit idea." John voiced his skepticism as he put on a hooded piece of light armor to cover his face and neck.

"Nah, it'll be fine, pinky promise," said Deacon with a small grin. "Just make sure you grab their holotags, too."

We dumped the nearly-naked bodies in the back of Headquarters just to buy us a little extra time, then we set foot into the tunnel again with Pam in tow.

"Fucking sucks about Glory," Deacon muttered. "She was one of a kind, you know?"

"She sure was," I agreed.

"I just wish that she had outlived this. Not only was she a good friend, but she was an amazing agent. Not having her around is really gonna set us back. She barely got to see a world where Synths were free. It just kills me."

"I know."

"We'll make sure that sacrifice ain't for nothin'," John assured him.

Deacon nodded. "I hope so."

"And, Deacon, I just wanna say I'm sorry for bein' a dick. I didn't trust you much in the beginning."

Deacon just shrugged. "It's fine. I lie so much, most people don't trust me anyway."

"That bein' said, you've still never steered us wrong, so thanks for that."

We reached the end of the tunnel as more Brotherhood soldiers were pouring in. I instantly stiffened up as they met us halfway across the church.

"You secured the Assaultron unit," noted a Paladin in Power Armor. "Good work, soldiers."

Deacon took the lead in the conversation. "Thank you, sir. There were at least a dozen casualties; most of the Railroad operatives escaped, but they left the robot behind."

The soldier nodded. "How badly are you hurt?"

"She took two wounds to the arm, and he took one to the leg," Deacon said, motioning to us respectively and the fresh blood accrued on the uniforms we snagged. "I took a light blow to the head and an abrasion on the stomach."

I was impressed with Deacon's lying capabilities, but I was still wary of the other Brotherhood soldiers searching the area.

"Glad to hear it wasn't too fatal," said the Paladin. "You're lucky it wasn't worse. We will gather the bodies and holotags of the fallen soldiers and bury them soon. In the meantime, you're free to go and take the Assaultron unit to the Prydwen. Don't make any stops. Go straight to the Prydwen and make the delivery. It's imperative the robot reaches the destination intact. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." Deacon saluted the Paladin in the Brotherhood of Steel way by crossing his arm across his chest and resting his fist below his shoulder. It was a flawless salute. John and I followed suit and left the church building.

We tried to slip away quietly before someone figured out what we were up to. As soon as we made it past the soldiers patroling the area outside the church, we rounded the corner past the nearby building and made a run for it, tearing off pieces of Brotherhood clothing as we ran.

Pam was able to keep up effortlessly, as Assaultrons were known for their agility, but I was beginning to question how good she was in a fight.

"Deacon, is Pam able to provide support in a firefight?"

"My defensive capabilities have been offline for some time," Pam said in a robotic matter-of-fact voice.

"Yeah, Pam doesn't have much in the way of weaponry anymore. Good thing, too. She's traded hands so many times, she could have easily turned on someone by now. Now all she does is provide probability stats."

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