[7] 𝒋𝒆𝒘𝒆𝒍

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"Alright, everyone! Today we will be casting the characters for our play," Hairo announced, "So I suggest that for every character we must accurately distribute the roles!" He exclaims before he writes all the names of the decided characters on the board.

Hairo pointed at a specific name. His eyes searched closely for the one who'll be close enough to fit the role.
"I'll need someone to play as Romeo!" He exclaims, his voice boomed loudly in the classroom that it can even defeat the noises of the undergoing construction outside.
One particular hand is raised, the students began to look in that direction, as soon as they hear his voice, everyone seemed to look down; even Hairo himself. "I'll be the one who'll play the part, and Juliet must be Teruhashi." Saiko demanded. Teruhashi sighed, Why do we even have Saiko here?

Good grief, Kusuo thought, Someone should star as a better Romeo instead.

Teruhashi raised her hand, all students began to be eager on what she has to say as soon as she stands up from her seat, "I'll volunteer to star as Juliet. And if I may recommend, Romeo should be one who has a fitting character for the part." She suggests, the female sits afterwards while everyone nods and agrees with her idea. Her eyes start to side glance at Kusuo, trying to make anyone pick up on her hint.

"How would you actually know if someone's fitting for the part?" Hairo asks. The blue-haired beauty began to clear her throat, she sweatdropped a little after being taken aback from his question. She immersed herself into thinking before finally giving her own answer, "How about we choose the characters who weren't given a significant role before?" Teruhashi asks. Yes! This was a perfect idea for a perfect girl! For sure I know Saiki-kun will be chosen since he was a seaweed that time.

"That's a great idea, Teruhashi! Hmm, how about Takahashi?" Hairo straight forwardly suggested. Meanwhile, Takahashi seemed to blush in a pure hue of crimson, while all the other boys frowned upon hearing their representative's suggestion. "I would like to volunteer! I haven't played a significant role for a while.." A random male student stands up from his seat, Hairo looked doubtful and as well as the other students.

On the other hand, Kusuo is internally praying to God that he won't get recommended by Teruhashi.

Of course, as the God adores the sapphire beauty, he couldn't resist not to give what she had wanted.

"This is hard," The rednette says, "Can you just suggest someone Teruhashi?" He asks, his hand on his chin as he pondered to himself. The bluenette smiled happily, knowing to herself that she has an opportunity.
Right before she points at Kusuo, an alarm bell was heard.

Scratch that, it's an alarm intended for drills.

Hairo gasped once he recognizes the sound. In an instant, he zoomed towards his locker at the back of the classroom, "Everyone! Grab your hoods! It's a surprise fire drill!" He exclaimed before all students began to prepare themselves by grabbing their hoods from their respective lockers. [Name] started to hurriedly scavenge through her locker. Once she felt something rubbish, she began to equip the hood on her head and walked straight towards the exit, just as how the students did.

The [hair color]nette walked into the line. "[Name]! You can go here before me," A lad suggests, "I'm the first in line, [Name]! You can go ahead before me and be the first too!" Another one exclaimed. Hairo, on the other hand, started to slap the back of their necks, "Oi! Behave yourselves, will you? This isn't the time to fool around, save yourselves from the fire! We should brace yourselves at a time like this, surprise drills are even more important than announced drills!"

[Name] decided to ignore them and walked up straight towards at the end of the line. Without noticing, Kusuo was there just behind her, which made [Name] gasp in shock. Oh my gosh, the color pink scared me! She screamed in her thoughts. Good grief, the color scared you. He replied back through telepathy.

No.. the fact that you bear the color pink is what scares me. [Name] responded.
Are you insulting me? The pink psychic asked, a bit of an intense aura surrounded his figure.
Erm, that was acting without thinking. She excused herself.
I'm letting this slide. Now I'll get straight to the point; meet me at the rooftop again by dismissal. Kusuo says. [Name] started to face him completely, completely confused.
What for? If this is about the secret, I didn't tell anyone, I swear! [Name] sweatdropped.
No. You're going to meet someone. Kusuo corrected. Students began to walk by themselves towards the fire exit, [Name] and Kusuo merely followed them while the two are communicating through their minds.

You're making me too sociable, Kusuo. I'm an anti-social, to be honest. She replied.
We stand on the same terms, but I wouldn't let you meet someone just for the sake of being sociable. He says through his mind. [Name] started to take a deep breath as they take the stairs.

Okay, I trust you.

What [Name] didn't know, that just made Kusuo's heart do a small leap unconsciously.

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

"So, uhh, why are we on the rooftop again?" [Name] asked, her face depicts that of a clueless expression. Kusuo and Aiura stood side by side in front of the naïve female, looking at her as she continued to look around.
There's something Aiura wants to tell you, Kusuo says before his eyes signal Aiura to speak.

The curly-haired female began to walk forward, her hands are clasped together, her eyes look into [Name]'s with both determination and agog. "I'm also a psychic too along with Kusuo," She says with pure honesty, in which it made [Name] internally jawdrop, "I can read the future and see auras of people accurately."

"Aura?" [Name] tilted her head in question.
"An aura is what defines people. For example, Kusuo's au—nevermind, let's not make him an example, for instan—"
"Wait! I'm actually curious of how Saiki's aura looked like." She interrupted.
"Well, actually, Kusuo's aura has the ability to cancel other people's auras because it's powerful and bright enough to cancel your vision—but not as bright enough as Kokomi's. Right now, I can't see your aura because this dude is here." Aiura explained, the [hair color] haired female started to get more curious.
"I'm curious of how my aura would look like." [Name] spoke, her eyes fixated its attention somewhere while she started pondering.

Aiura smiled, "To do that, we'll need this guy to go away with the distance of 200 meter radius." She says, pointing at Kusuo as she explains so. [Name] visibly had her jaw dropped, "200 meter radius?! That big?!" She exclaimed, not believing what she just heard. Aiura nodded, "That's exactly my reaction."

I'll teleport myself to somewhere. Kusuo relayed both in their minds. Aiura, tell me how her aura looked like after. He personally sent it to Aiura before he disappears in thin air.

Aiura nodded, "Now, that has been settled, I can finally look into your au—" The curly haired female abruptly stopped herself as her eyes widened. Her gaze upon [Name] softened and looked into her eyes in question. The [hair color]-haired female simply blinked in confusion, with a reaction like that, she can't help but feel anticipated on knowing how her aura looked like.

What is happening? Kusuo interrupted Aiura. The female began to shake her head vigorously after being snapped back into reality. You have been standing there for several minutes.

Kusuo, her aura... Aiura trailed off as she continued to stare at her. The duration of this aura-inspection have been making [Name] feel uneasy, the feeling of anticipation slowly disappears.

What about it? Good grief Aiura, you can describe it to me. Kusuo replies, his arms are crossed over his chest as he observes the scene quietly.

She.. she has no aura at all.

𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝. (saiki kusuo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now