Chapter Four: Three Friends One Bowl Of Ice Cream

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        Lizzie had a really nice car. The kind you saw in the magazines. It was light pink with leather seats. Eve later found out it was called a Camaro. Eve and Will sat in the back, and Eve glared out the window trying not to cry. Will slid his arm around her, letting her lay her head in his lap.

“He was such a loser…” Eve bit her lip and Will nodded. Eve slowly sat up studying Will’s face. She parted her lips to thank him for telling her about Connor, but Liz interrupted them.

“I hate to break you two lovebirds up, but we’re here. At the best ice cream shop in town. Dino’s Ice Cream!” Lizzie proclaimed throwing her hands in the air causing the car to swerve a little. “Oops!” Lizzie grabbed the wheel jerking it back onto the road.

            “It’s not like that. We barely know each other.” Eve mumbled sitting up and wiping at her eyes. She didn’t bother to see Will’s reaction and hurried out of the car, but if she had, she would have seen the hurt in his eyes.

            “Come on! Let’s get an extra large bowl and share!” Lizzie ran up the steps before waiting patiently for Eve and Will. “You two are so slow! C’mon Eve!” Lizzie giggled, grabbing Eve’s hand and dragging her into the ice cream shop. Will followed behind suppressing a smile.


            They ended up with one scoop of chocolate, one of mint, and one of vanilla. The chocolate was for Liz, the mint for Eve, and the vanilla for Will.

            “You got the most boring flavor known to man, Will.”

            “You got chocolate… I really don’t think you should be talking.” Will took a scoop of chocolate and dabbed some on Liz’s nose. Eve giggled softly and Will flashed a quick grin at her.

            “Why you…” Liz grabbed a spoon, and got a huge lump of vanilla ice cream, flinging it at Will’s face. He dodged and it hit Eve. “Oh my Eve! I’m so sorry! You idiot why’d you move?”

            Eve laughed once the ice cream hit her directly on the nose. She laughed until her sides hurt and until there were tears coming out of her eyes. And even then she continued to laugh.

            Liz and Will stared at her worriedly. “Uh… Eve, you okay?” Liz peered over her brother’s shoulder watching Eve laugh. Eve coughed and grinned up at them before cleaning her face with a napkin.

            “I’m fine. Thank you.” She beamed up at her two friends.

            “Damn.” Liz mumbled checking her phone. “Gotta go, boyfriend is here!” Liz grinned at both of them before standing and tossing Will her car keys. He caught them without hesitation and returned to eating his ice cream.

            Eve awkwardly waved goodbye and watched as Liz drove away in a red convertible.

            “So… why’d you dye your hair?” Will turned and looked over at Eve and she felt her cheeks redden.

            “I used to be a blonde in the summer and brunette in the winter, and I was tired of having bipolar hair so I dyed it teal because why the hell not?” Eve nodded continuing to eat her ice cream.

            “Valid reason. It looks nice on you.”

            “Thanks. Uh. Thanks for telling me about Connor. Though you didn’t need to hit him.” Eve frowned her eyes narrowing at Will.

            “What? You’re defending him?” Will rolled his eyes before pulling out a pack of cigarettes, he offered Eve one.

            “I’m fifteen…” She raised an eyebrow and Will shrugged.

            “And I’m about to be eighteen, it’s just a cigarette.” He placed it between his teeth and proceeded to turn on his lighter before Eve took the cigarette from his mouth, flicking it into the trash.

            “No smoking. You could get cancer or something.”

            “If we’re lucky…” He smirked faintly before sighing. “Fine. No smoking. At least not in front of you.” He leaned back glancing at her half-finished ice cream. “You going to finish that?”

            Eve shook her head, pushing the bowl towards him. Will raised an eyebrow. “Who said I wanted it?” He stood, taking the bowl and dropping it in the trash before walking back to Eve. “Shall I take you home?”

            Eve shook her head. “I’m not ready to go back yet, can we go somewhere else? Anywhere else?”

            Will smirked slightly before nodding. “I know the perfect place.”


            The perfect place turned out to be a hilltop with a single tree on it. The tree branches stuck out to the sides, and one was low enough to be reached. Will climbed on top of it before reaching down for Eve’s hand.

She shook her head, attempting, and failing to climb the tree. Will rolled his eyes before grabbing her hand and tugging her up the tree until she managed to find the right footholds. She scrambled up the rest of the way, before sitting down next to him panting. Will smiled faintly.

            “What’s so amusing?” Eve raised an eyebrow.

            “You.” Will smiled again before shaking his head and staring out at the sky. “Look the sun’s setting…” Will pointed to the horizon and Eve followed his gaze.

            The sun had set the sky on fire and it was truly beautiful. Eve marveled at it and didn’t notice that Will had moved closer. He leaned over glancing briefly at her. “Have you never seen a sunset before?”

            “Never one this beautiful…” Eve breathed out, totally in awe. Will watched her expression, and smiled faintly. He turned to and watched the sun slowly make its descent.

            After the sun had set, Will jumped down, helping Eve out of the tree.

            “Thanks.” Eve smiled gently at him and he nodded wordlessly, heading to the car. They got in and drove to Eve’s house. “Nothing gold can say…” Eve glanced back at the tree as they continued down the road.

            “What?” Will raised an eyebrow without looking at her.

            “I was just thinking about the Frost poem. It’s about… it’s complicated.” She shook her head stretching and Will pulled up outside her house.

            “Hey. Eve?”

            She was halfway out the door, but she turned around. “Yeah?”

            “Do you want to do this again sometime?” Will’s eyes searched her face, and Eve blushed.

            “Yeah, I think that’d be nice.” She nodded her thanks, heading out and waving goodbye to Will. She turned and came face to face with Connor.


A/N: Sorry, my chrome finally decided to work but i don't know how long this'll last but here's this week's chapter ^^.

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