Chapter Nine: I'm Not Crazy

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Eve was on her knees, tearing fistfuls of grass from the ground, still screaming. She felt someone’s arms around her, and she looked up, hoping to see Will’s face. It was Liz.

“Eve…” There were tears streaming down Liz’s face and she knelt next to Eve, hugging her knees to her chest and tipping her head back and letting out a scream. 

Eve suddenly stood up staring at the car wreckage. “Maybe he’s still alive!” Eve sprinted down the hill before Liz grabbed her arm spinning her around. Liz shook her head and Eve tugged her arm free glaring. “He’s not dead. He can’t be. He’s alive.” Eve took off towards the car. 

Blood stained the glass and Will’s head was resting on the dashboard. Eve spun around and vomited.


Eve was being dragged away from the car by two men in blue suits. She was screaming and fighting them, trying to get back to Will. She had to reach him. It wasn’t too late. He could be saved. Even as she said this words to herself she knew it wasn’t true. Half of his body had been gone, Will was dead. 

This revelation stopped her screaming and she just stared at the ground in defeat. “Are you Eve?” One of the guards asked softly. Eve nodded numbly, her eyes vacant and hollow. “You’re going to be taken to the nearest sanatorium. We found your suicide note and got the okay from your guardian. The place is called Briar Mental Correctional Facility.” Eve was led inside an ambulance and strapped down. 

They drove for about an hour but to Eve it felt like forever. Everything was surreal and she was positive this was all a dream. Of course, she was still sleeping in Will’s arms. His strong arms that always held her up when she fell down. 

No. She had seen him die. He had screamed her name. That was all too real. Eve was too numb to cry anymore so she just stared up at the roof of the ambulance. The ambulance stopped and Eve was carried outside and into the hospital. She stood up slowly when the two men set her down.

A tall dark-skinned man stood in front of her with a goatee. He held a clipboard and asked Eve a lot of questions about how happy she was and why she wanted to die. She simply shrugged and stared at the wall behind his head not speaking. Eventually the man gave up, and Eve was escorted to a room with two beds in it. There were also two desks, and the left side was identical to the right. Eve sat down on the bed closet to the window, when a girl with short black hair and brown eyes walked in. The girl was pale and shorter than Eve by at least four inches. 

“Hello.” Eve said softly glancing over at the girl.

“Hey.” The girl forced a small smile and tugged her sleeves down.

“Why are you here?” Eve stared down at her hands, her eyes lifeless, and her voice flat.

“Attempted suicide, you?”

“Same.” Eve bit her lip before shrugging and laying down. “What’s your name?”

“Rebecca.” She walked over to Eve staring down at her. “Your hair is pretty.”


“Who’s your doctor? Mine is Dr. Call-off-sky. Spelled K-L-O-S-F-Y.” Rebecca nodded before staring down at Eve, eyebrows raised.

“Uh… Dr. Martin.” Eve said slowly, before nodding. That’s what the man’s nametag had read anyways.

“Oh.” Rebecca wrinkled her nose. “I heard he tries to sleep with his patients. I’d watch out if I were you.” 

Eve nodded rolling over onto her side and staring at the wall, trying to tell Rebecca she didn’t want to talk. Rebecca didn’t get the hint.

“Do you have a boyfriend? Mine dumped me once I was admitted here. Said he couldn’t date a crazy girl.” 

“Mine died today.” Eve smiled bitterly at the wall before shutting her eyes.


The Briar Mental Correctional Facility or the BMCF as some of the doctors referred to it was very… white. White walls, white ceilings and white floors. Everything was kept clean and tidy and everyone was given clean white medical scrubs to wear. No shoes. Every three hours there was a check-in and food was usually passed around unless it was after eight. Eight pm sharp was everyone’s bedtime. 

The patients were mostly confined to their rooms except during group therapy or to hang out in the common room and such. Eve sat next to Rebecca majority of the time because she knew no one else. People did try and talk to Eve, but she’d simply shrug or Rebecca would chase them away saying, “Leave the poor girl alone, she’s grieving.”

Soon Rebecca became sort of a best friend to Eve, and they did pretty much everything together. Eve was even beginning to enjoy her constant chatter. Which was a good thing of course, as Rebecca never stopped talking. 

“Eve? Are you even listening?” Rebecca huffed and folded her arms as Eve glanced back at her.

“Sorry, I was just watching this bird out here, but go on.” Eve turned completely around giving Rebecca her full attention.

“Thank you. Now as I was saying…” Rebecca began to ramble about her ex-boyfriend and Eve nodded politely every now and then. She soon however began to zone off and she simply thought of Will. His face was just a memory to her; a memory she was soon forgetting to her dismay. She was trying her hardest to remember if he had dimples or not when Rebecca tapped her on the shoulder. “Eve!” She hissed. “There’s a new patient.” 

This got Eve’s attention as there had been no new arrivals since Eve, and she quickly looked over at the doorway. A tall boy with black hair and bright green eyes stood in the doorway looking at everyone in the common room.

Everyone stared at him wide-eyed except for the boy that constantly mumbled to himself. He just sat in the corner and continued to draw pictures on the wall with his finger.  Something about this new boy set Eve’s heart fluttering but it quickly stopped when she realized he almost looked like Will. Her eyes started to water so she quickly turned away and faced the window studying the bird outside. 

It was a light brown thing, nothing special, but it had a splotch of white across its chest and it hopped around in circles. “Eve…” Rebecca hissed again, jabbing Eve in the side.

“What do you want Rebecca?” Eve raised an eyebrow glancing over at her. However, Rebecca was staring intently at something behind Eve, and Eve sighed rolling her eyes. She glanced back before blushing when she came face-to-face with the new boy. It had been exactly six months since Will’s death, and Rebecca said it was naturally for Eve to still be upset but it was about time to move on. 

So, being the charismatic girl she was, Eve glared at this boy and stood up. She spun around and strode out of the common room and down the hall to the room she shared with Rebecca. She didn’t want any more guys, she wanted Will… she needed him. She dropped down onto her bed and stared down at her lap, her eyes drained of tears.

Rebecca rushed in two minutes later. “Eve! That was so rude, and he is so cute.” She giggled before frowning at Eve’s posture. “You okay hun?” Eve nodded numbly and Rebecca sat down next to her. “Good, so I found out all of the information about that guy… His name is Ben, and he’s in here for … well he wouldn’t tell me that part, but he asked about you! I went ahead and told him you were single and totally moved on.” Rebecca giggled and playfully poked Eve’s side.

“But that’s the thing Rebecca, I haven’t moved on. Can you just leave me alone?” Eve laid down rolling over, onto her side, facing the wall.

“Yeah, sure, whatever you say.” Rebecca got off the bed but continued staring down at Eve. If Eve had been facing Rebecca she would have seen the three emotions clearly displayed on her face; jealousy, sorrow, and rage.

 A/N: Hey! Sorry about the last chapter ;) Hope you still enjoyed it! Have a great weekend and a wonderful Halloween unless you don't celebrate it then I'm sorry. 

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