Hide and Seek

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"Hey, Robin, I want to apologize for what happened a bit ago. I just- Robin?" Austin sighs and starts looking around all sides of the desk. I can feel his movements but I can't see them. The one time I'm thankful for the sheer size of everything here is right now, as I'm covered with old papers from in the basket. Sure, the coins are cold, but I think I've had time to become accustomed to low temperatures.

"Robin, this isn't funny. You have to come out." He treads lightly. I can tell because his footsteps now feel like normal human steps. He might think I'm on the ground. "I can't play this game all day."

Sure you can. "Please, I was about to head out to get you something to eat. I'm not gonna have you starve because you won't show yourself. I'm not mad at you anymore and I won't touch you without your permission. Just let me apologize to your face, please." No movement from me.

"I don't want to make you scared, you're probably still wound up." There's a long pause. He's thinking. Never a good sign. "Do you laugh easily? I feel like I can make you laugh." Aw, hell.

"Hmmmm..." he draws out the sound, putting on a very bouncy and animated voice. "I wonder where Robin could be." Oh my god, I feel like a five year old.

"Could she be... here?!" He lifts up something, what it is beats me. But he hasn't found me yet.

"How about... here?" Something else is pushed aside, but it's louder. Closer. My heart begins to race faster. What if he's mad again when he finds me? Oh god.

Finally, I feel his shadow looming over me. This is it I guess. "Oh boy, I think I lost her. Maybe I could look... in the basket." I can hear his smiling. He knows he's won. "I'll check real quick."

"One paper, two paper, three paper, four." He plucks receipts, coupons and lists from around me. "I'm gonna find you, and I'm gonna get you, I hope you're ready..." I appreciate his treatment of this as if it's not life-or-death, but only he knows what's going to happen once I'm caught.

"Oh, I guess she's not there. I'll keep looking." I silently exhale, wrapping my fingers properly around the paper so my hands can show but the rest of me is hidden. I made it. Thankfully he won't be able to find me n-

My cover shoots out of my hands, papercutting both of them simultaneously. Shit. Good thing I have two bandaids left. No matter though, I have much, much bigger problems right now.

"Gotcha! I'm going to eat you up," he smiles with teeth. I'm positively shaking, trying to balance the blood forming in my palms while trying to keep eye contact with him to know his next move. His smile drops. "I'm sorry, I'm definitely... not going to do that. That was a joke. Are you doing alright?" It's hard to answer truthfully when he blocks out all the light, creating an ominous feel.

"Y-yeah." The stutter. My eyes gloss over, but I blink it off real fast. I need to stay calm. "I need my backpack though. Please be gentle." 

Suddenly, his eyes shoot to my hands. "Oh my, I'll be quick." He sprints out of the living room and returns with the bag, looking slightly solemn. What did he d-

The other strap tore off. My pupils roll up to his. He smiles apologetically. Sighing under my breath, I open the bag carefully as to not pour blood on it and retrieve my bandaids. Two is all I need... hopefully. The plaster sticks on my palm awkwardly and spans across my hand, not fully soaking up the blood due to the length of the slits.

"I'm really sorry... I didn't think and-"

"It's fine, they're not deep cuts." I'm pissed, but I'm not trying to start another argument. I'm too scared of losing it.

"I'm not just talking about your hands though." I look up to meet Austin's eyes again, rubbing the air out of the one on my right hand. "I probably scared you a lot and I regretted it immediately after, and I didn't really know how to make it up to you but I was really scared you'd get hurt from jumping off the desk or something falling, anything here could really kill you-"

I cut him off again. "Hey. I'm fine. You're fine. We're both fine. Everything is fine." I choke back a lump in my throat.

"Are you sure? You didn't get hurt or anything?"

"I'm sure, I didn't get hurt." My ribs are screaming the opposite.

"That's good, at least. I promise I won't lash out again and I won't pick you up unless you ask. Can you just stay here while the storm is blowing please? I swear I'll let you leave once it's over." By now he's crouched down to be eye level with the counter.

We come to a standstill as he waits for my response. I don't trust him still, but I don't think I have a choice at this point. "Fine."

"Wait, really? Oh wow, thank you. I was expecting another argument." After a pause, he changes subjects. "So, um... when was the last time you ate? I'm running on empty at the moment."

I think for a second, ignoring all the red flags my brain detects. "Last night, probably a few hours before I passed out in the snow." My heart rate eases. Just stay casual.

"I can head out and get you something to eat real quick. Is there anything you're sapisensitive to?"


"Is there anything you can't eat because you'll... you know... die? Or get hurt?"

"Oh! No." On the topic of him leaving, I'll be here for a while I assume. More than a few days. "Can you get some other things while you're out?"

"Yeah, of course." He realizes how close he is to me now, and backs up a few feet. "What do you need?"

"Thumbtacks, thread and thin fabric. Not translucent. Lots of colors."

"I think I know what you're doing. I'll be back soon." He smiles, standing up. "Stay safe, and- OH!" The sound jolts me. "Can I set you in a different room please? It's just to make sure you're safe."

"What, you don't trust me to stay here and not try to escape?" I smile and he stares blankly at me, causing me to burst out laughing.

"I need my hat anyway, so I'll let you use it again to take you to... how about we just do my room? I cleaned yesterday thankfully." Before I can reply, he's out the door, trying to get his maroon cap. When he returns, he holds it out to me and bows like a knight. You know what? Fuck it.

"You can just carry me in your hands."

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