Melt Away

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Sunlight floods through the window, flashing red through my eyelids. With a yawn and a stretch, I sit up, remembering where I fell asleep. Austin's hand lays a few feet away from me. I notice his cracking nail polish, with spots of nude nail showing through the navy blue paint. With a small cough, I decide to wake up my roommate. Rubbing his hand, I wait for him to rise. His eyes remain closed, but he playfully taps me, knocking me over and sending me tumbling until I grip the fabric of his shirt. He swoops his hand underneath and holds me, opening his eyes.

He takes a second to gain focus, adjusting his glasses with his free hand. "Sorry, I usually don't sleep with these on. How are you feeling?"

"Sick," I reply, sniffling.

"That's to be expected when you sleep in my pocket about fifteen zents away from my face. Speaking of which, you got over your claustrophobia fast," he smirks.

"Oh, yeah..." I feel my face heat up. "I felt sick before I... traveled. You're just warm and I assumed you wouldn't mind."

"You assumed correctly," he messes up my hair with his index finger, sending a slew of black strands into my face. I brush them aside, smiling. "I can't believe you warmed up to the big scary giant this fast."

"You're half right," I can't wipe the grin off my face while I cross my legs, settling into his palm. "If me from a few days ago saw this picture, she'd be pissed."

"She'd probably try to kill me too." His voice is still playful.

"Oh, come on!" I sigh sarcastically. "I stab you one time and you feel the need to bring it up whenever possible!"

"Forgive me, I'll be more grateful the next time a miniature knife is sent through my sniffer."

"It's not miniature," I squint my eyes jokingly. This energy gives me a motivated feeling, but at the same time, I never want to leave.

"It's definitely miniature."

"Invalid, the blade alone is as tall as my hand," I cross my arms.

"And your entire body isn't even as tall as mine."

"Wanna bet?"

He puts his free hand up next to me. He was very much correct. I come up to a bit above his palm. "High-five!" I shout, and jump up to tap the top of his middle finger. I don't get to because he quickly forms a cup between his hands, which I roll into.

"Goodness, I wasn't prepared for that. You okay?" I nod and we both laugh it off.

"This is nice."

"What is?"

"You being here. Caring for me. Not treating me like a child or a pet or anything."

"Well if that's the expectation then it sure is nice," he replies. "But you are too. I'm happy I got to know you. You're an amazing, wonderful person and I'll never ever forget you." His eyes look sad, though his smile remains.

"Wait," I stop him. "Why are you talking about this like I'm leaving?"

"You see," he begins, standing up. I grab onto his fingers as he makes his way over to the window. "Things happened faster than I'd anticipated." He swings open the curtain, revealing the forest right outside. The snow has nearly all melted, only small spots here and there. From this height, it's as if there's almost none there, but what snow remains must come up to about my ankles. It's manageable. It's a sign of spring. I get lost in the wonders of the forest, forgetting the intense height of the pine trees, when Austin's voice snaps me back to reality.

"If you want me to help you with anything involving packing, I can." He sighs. We share something in common; neither of us want me to leave.

"I-I..." my voice trails off. "You're letting me go?"

"If you want. I told you I'd only have you here for as long as needed. You're strong, and passionate. I thought about what you've told me the entire time you've been here, and I decided that if you can make it here on your own through the worst of the worst, you can be trusted on your own in this weather."

"But..." I try to process it. "I don't know where to go."

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