Fun and Games

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Austin POV -I didn't wanna change POV for the entire story but it happens-

Something felt wrong about letting Robin navigate the territory on her own. Maybe it was instinct or my own paranoia, but letting the human go back without guidance for a bit seemed dangerous. I planned on turning back after a short period of time, until I noticed two strange vehicles driving around her, too far away for her to notice but just enough for my eyes to catch.

It was less than enjoyable to follow Robin with the vehicles on her tail. I didn't expect her to turn back already, but I'm not bothered by it. She found the map, that's what matters. After she made it through the gate- well, the fence as I now know it's called,  it was my job to stay stealth. It's as hard as you can imagine, but rather successful. I jumped the fence a while out, to get through. Landing made a bit of noise. A traveling human heard me and locked eyes with me immediately. "This stays between us," I whispered frantically, going on my way. 

As of now, Robin walks through a nearby neighborhood, and the vehicles are right on her as we speak. The neighborhood will have to serve as a cover. I duck behind the nearest house quickly, trying to make as little noise as possible.

I can't hear the conversation between Robin and the two other humans, it's too far away. She's also speaking at a normal volume, compared to the yelling she often resorted to around me. Clearly the other humans serve as law enforcement, which should be concerning, though I wouldn't want to blow my cover. Might as well inch a little closer instead. I hope the human who lives in this house doesn't notice anything. Their house comes up to just above my elbow, forcing me to duck. Goodness, I really am much taller than a house. That's scary to think about.

I curl around the back window so if a human does look through the window, they won't notice there's anything- or anyone- there. Slowly raising up to a half-squat, I hop back down right as I see their faces shoot toward my direction. They can sense the shifting. That was a close one.

Very slowly coming back up, only my eyes show over the roof. They've got the map unfolded. I hope they have maps that size in the human world...

Robin looks worried, her emotions shifting and hands moving fast. They certainly don't have maps that size here. I hope she's coming up with good lies, the law enforcement humans probably aren't ready to see who it belongs to. And I don't think I'm quite ready to show them.

They continue talking back and forth, and I see she's becoming more and more uncomfortable. Her body tenses up to make herself look smaller, and she keeps scratching her head and neck uncomfortably, as if she's unsatisfied in her body. Oh no, is she...

I duck back down and come closer little by little. I can pick up key words of the conversation. "Map", "parents", which I think means paternities, and "sir." Every time that last one is brought up, she looks more and more uneasy. Has she spoken up for herself? If she has and they're still calling her that, then certainly I must intervene. But I'll stay here until I absolutely need to come out.

Eventually, I notice her knees wobbling. They use one more "sir." No. That's enough. Time to ruin two humans' nights, I suppose. "She's not a sir," I say quietly, quickly coming into the clearing. I immediately get on my knees to not startle them, but they pull weapons. My hands fly up instinctually. Robin's been mad at me before, but she looks ready to let them shoot me. All I can do is smile half-heartedly and hope for them to put down the weapons. She notices the metal shooters and suddenly tries to protect me.

We go on with an argument for a while, Robin becoming increasingly stressed as it goes on. I keep her held on my knee behind my hand, noticing her shaking. The two keep trying to get her to go with them. I know full well that she can't go back to her home. She just needs a new one. I'd rather her live most anywhere than with her paternities, even if that means with me. 

Things get tenser, and I can tell Robin's becoming extremely stressed. Eventually, things get so heated, they pull shooting weapons... what are they called?... and start shouting. "STOP!" I yell, and they drop them immediately. The one time I'm proud of my volume. One fires a shot, barely missing my shoulder. The two law enforcement humans are shaking. I look down to see Robin and how she's doing. I know she gets scared when I yell. She's... not moving. She's fainted. 

I lift her up with one hand, keeping the other hand up in a stop signal. Her chest is moving up and down. Thank goodness. I slowly set her down off to the side, hoping she wakes up soon. Then, I slowly inhale. Exhale. The humans are still shaking. I should just stay calm. "She's passed out. You made her pass out."

The female runs over to check on her. She nods over to the other officer, who's still shaking. "He's-"

"She's." Not putting up with this anymore. "Please just say she/her."

"She's not dead. As for you," she points at me, still nervous. "We cannot have her go with you. We have absolutely no reason to trust you."

"Neither did she, and she's doing alright." I look over to her unconscious body. "Well, she was doing alright. All I ask is that she gets to live where she wants, and then I'll leave. Gone forever! Out of your lives like snap." I snap while saying it, making them flinch. They aren't much fun to reason with.

"And what if we don't?" The male human asks shakily.

"Well," I snatch the weapons on the ground, holding them between my thumb and index. The two jump back a good few zents. "I'm not going to grab you, please calm yourselves." I shouldn't lose my patience, they're terrified as is. Even Robin wasn't as scared upon meeting me. I hold the shooting objects in my hands, pulling them apart. They both fire into the grass. "Goodness, these are touchy, aren't they? Good thing they're shot," I giggle, but stop when I notice the two looking at me with horrified expressions. What, have they never had their weapons taken and pulled apart before? "Now we can talk this out normally. We're on even grounds!" I toss the broken metal onto the ground.

It's absolutely not on even grounds, and they know that even better than I do, but I still won't hurt them. It's not my cup of tea to strike fear into the hearts of those smaller than me, but these two don't seem to work well with reasoning. "Anyway, if you don't let her go where she wants then..." What do people say when they're trying to be scary? "I'll just say that you'll deeply regret it." They seem convinced, inching closer together. I don't intend to hurt them, I just want to get my way.

"Yo-you're not going to scare us into breaking our own laws," the male one says, immediately looking mad at himself. I think I already have. Robin has the same annoyed expression on her face whenever she stuttered around me.

"It's not my goal to scare you," I reply. "If it was, I would've done a lot worse by now. Like this." I do the same thing I did without Robin when we were sick, jumping out and yelling "YAH!" With my hands curled. They both screech and jump back.

"I'm so, so sorry," I calmly say, only partially truthful. "That was mean on my part. But truly, my goal is for us to talk this out like adults." I slowly lower myself onto my stomach, now only about 30 zents away from them.

"You're not even an adult," the female interjects, terrified now. I strangely don't mind her being afraid of me, as twisted as it sounds.

"I think I'm developed enough to pass as one. I'm at a healthy height, at least." I smile. She doesn't. "Come on, if I were a human then you would talk this out normally."

"Yes, and the fact is that you're not... are you?" She steps back a little further.

"Fortunately not. But alas, we can be calm about this. You don't try to kill me, I won't try to scare you. Pinky promise?" I playfully stick my right pinky out. The woman stares at it, then looks at me and narrows her eyes.

"Oh my g-" she sighs. "Pinky promise." Watching her try to curl her pinky around mine is almost as entertaining as me wrapping mine around her entire hand and part of her forearm. Yet, neither of those are as entertaining as watching her struggle for a second before I release. "Mid-promise and you already violate it." She keeps a strict tone as if she's not talking about a non-legal contract, bound by fingers.

"Promise starts now. No more acts of intimidation." I push up my glasses and smile again. "So, shall we discuss this like big boys and girls? Well, as big as you humans can get-"

"Are you done scaring them shitless?" Robin walks forward.

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