Must be This Tall to Ride

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His head tilts up, eyes opening. "I can what?"

"You can carry me. Hands. You. Me. In them." I point vaguely to his hands.

"Oh... are you sure?" The cap lowers. "Already? You aren't scared?"

"Oh, I am, I'm definitely scared, but I'll have to get used to it at some point, since I figure I'm gonna be staying longer than anticipated. How long do you think the snow will last?"

"Well, it's only been a few days of snow for me. I would hope your storm ends within a week, but I'll base it off of my view of the weather. It's a little hectic right now, so when mine dies down, I think it'll b-"

"ohmygodaustinhowmanydays" I blurt out.

"Probably around ten." He places the cap back on his head. "Now you're entirely positive you want me to carry you?"

"One hundred percent." He lowers his hands out for me, cupped together like a bowl. I suddenly lose my confidence as I stare at his expansive palms. "Ninety-nine percent."

"I'm fine with you going in the hat, or walking or whatever else. My goal is to not scare you."

"You don't set very realistic goals." My eyes don't leave from his hands. "Whatever, I'm doing this." I don't trip this time, sliding down between his fingers into his palms. This is an indescribable feeling. It's uncanny. Surrounded by soft, warm skin and being carried sixty feet in the air is only comparable to being on a slow, calm rollercoaster with excellent seats. Emphasis on slow. Austin's moving at a snail's pace.

"This is terrifying," he tells me, as if on cue. 

"For who?"

"For me!" He keeps shifting his eyes between me and the hallway as if we're driving and low on gas.

'We should switch roles for a hot second," I laugh. "We'll have you be carried by a giant you met about four hours ago."

He stays silent for a second. "On second thought, this is fine." He picks up the pace slightly. "I just would not want to drop you."

"Oh my god Austin, I'm not going to throw myself out of your hands. I'll absolutely die if I do." I peek over the side of his fingers and I don't even get a chance to process it before he curls his hands upwards, making me roll back into his palms.

"'I'll absolutely die if I do,' you say as you begin to climb over. I know you hate me, but this is about the thirtieth time you have tried to kill yourself around me." I feel something contract in me when he says that. As I turn back to look at him I can tell he's playing around thankfully, it shows in his eyes.

We reach his room. It's more like a habitat than just a bedroom. An endless bed sits in the back corner, surrounded by desks and drawers and a synthesizer. Posters of bands I've never heard of litter the walls. My eyes fly all around the space, not being able to pick what to look at first.

"Is this fine?" He asks.

"Massive," I say, only half-processing his question. "I don't hate you, by the way." Might as well get it off my chest.

"I'm sure everything today has been massive to you," he retorts. "And you don't?"

"Not entirely. You scare the hell out of me, but it's not like you can control that. You're alright, just bad at making me feel safe."

"Oh..." he trails off. "Can I do anything to be less intimidating?"

I stop and think. "Can you shrink?"


"Can I call the police?"

"Do you even have a working caller?" he asks.

"Probably not; but I can try to call still."

"Are they humans too?"

"Of course," I answer.

"Then is it mean for me to say I won't be scared?"

I sigh. "Can you let me g-"

"No." His tone gets slightly sterner. Had our encounter not happened, I wouldn't have noticed.

"Then no, not really," I reply. "You have the potential to be very friendly and gentle for the most part, it's nothing you can control."

"Aww, thank you!" He coos. "You're neither of those things, but it's okay because you're cute and little." He shifts his hands a lot closer to his torso, like a strange form of hug. Better than being crushed against his chest. "Okay, now I have to go. I'll leave you be now, stay safe and don't do anything that'll hurt you. I'll just set you on the bed since it's rather big and soft." His hands slowly lower to the comforter and I tumble off. "See you soon," he smiles and walks out, slowly closing the door.

The place is all to myself.

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