Chapter Six

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"Do you know how to do this, Chat?" She yelled over the roar of the huge beast. They had to take it outside.

"Yeah! My fairy explained everything. I can't believe you did this single-handedly for almost four years!" He responded, dodging a firey attack. She swung her yo-yo around the beast's legs, sending it falling backward. 

People screamed and scrambled away.

"Chat Noir, hold him down!" Ladybug shouted, throwing up her yo-yo. "Lucky charm!" A black and red satchel fell into her hand and she sighed. Vague as usual. "What the heck am I supposed to do with this?"

"M'lady, I don't think I can hold him any longer!" Chat Noir groaned. Ladybug bit her lip, looking around. 

"Hang on. I'm working on it. Where's the Akuma?"

He glanced at her before returning his focus to the villain. "The necklace in his palm." Ladybug's eyes lit up.

"I have a plan, kitty!" She tore off the strap of the satchel, glancing at the beast. "Chat, try to hold him off. I'll be back!" She swung out of the ballroom through a window in the roof using her yo-yo.

When she got back, she had loaded a sturdy stick, some vine, and a rock into the carrying part of the satchel. "Ladybug!" Chat Noir cried. He was practically being squeezed alive in the palm of the giant monster. Her heart raced as she followed instinct, tying the items together.

"Chat Noir!" Ladybug screamed, her emotions taking over. "Use your stick! Point it outward and extend it!" Chat Noir dropped out of the beast's grip, falling onto the floor with a painful thud. "Throw me your stick and get out of here!" He tossed her the stick weakly, scrambling away.

She caught it and slid over to the villain, carrying the stuff in her hand. The beast reached out its other hand and grabbed Ladybug. She squirmed in his grasp but grabbed the necklace, replacing it with the item she had created. She extended the stick, falling out of the beast's hand gracefully. In a flash, she broke the necklace and captured the Akuma, purifying it. A pure white butterfly flitted away.

She raced over to her partner, helping him up. "Are you okay? Why would you...? I'm so sorry, Chat Noir. It's my fault you're hurt. I shouldn't have... You-" 

He shut her up with a kiss and her eyes widened. Chat Noir was kissing her! Chat Noir, her new partner who had accepted her and related to her. He was kind, brave, adorable, funny, everything she loved. But could she really kiss him? She pushed him away, turning as red as a tomato.

"Thank you for coming back for me." He whispered. She smiled at him, crushing him in a hug. He coughed and she quickly pulled away, muttering soft sorries. "It's okay, I'm okay. The ballroom, on the other hand, doesn't look too good." She smiled again.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug threw the torn satchel into the air. Chat Noir stood beside her and his arm slipped around her waist discreetly. She chuckled, turning her gaze to him. "Would you like to dance, kitty? I still have..." She trailed off, glancing at the clock. 10:49. "We still have more than an hour before we change back."

In another flash of pink, her formal Victorian Dress was back, skirts swooping around her waist.

He grinned and took her hand. "Don't mind if I do." She put her arms around his neck, leaning on his chest. "M'lady, I think I've fallen for you." He whispered, his breath soft against her skin. An image of Adrien flashed across her mind. She could feel his sharp green eyes on her*. She stayed silent. "Ladybug, why are you so quiet?"

"I... I don't know, Chat. I don't know how I feel."

Most of the dance was silent until Chat Noir checked the clock. 11:40. Had they really been dancing for almost an hour? He released her and she looked at him, confused. "I... I have to go, m'lady. Till next time?" He bowed before leaving the castle.

She sighed. "Is he a third interest of yours, Ladybug?" Luka came up behind her and swept her up in a dance, one hand tightly gripping her waist. "You sure seem to be of his utmost interest." Ladybug shrugged, sighing again. "What's wrong?"

"I-I don't know what to think. I thought I was in love with the Prince a while ago, but this superhero came in and stole my heart as well. I don't know... I can't..." She pulled away from Luka. "I need to go, I'm sorry." She waved a small wave before lifting her skirts and walking in the direction of the huge wooden door.

"Ladybug!" The masked superheroine spun around, recognizing the sweet voice. Adrien ran to her, smiling. "A final dance before you leave?" She shook her head, glancing at the clock. 11:46. "I know it's late, but, just one?" She smiled softly, taking his hand and resting the other on his shoulder.

"Did you find the Princess of your dreams?" She muttered, looking down.

"Actually, no," He could feel her tension, the way she couldn't look into his eyes. "My father wanted me to marry a girl named Kagami. I... don't think I liked her too much. We hung out for a while but she was a bit dominant and possessive. There is a girl I like. She's no princess, but she's lovely."

"Abandoning your kingdom for true love then? Sounds rebellious."

He shook his head, grinning. "No, no. I just... wish there weren't rules about my marriage." She laughed; a beautiful sound that made his heart melt. "What's so funny?"

"No, it's just that my problems are nothing compared to yours." She giggled, music to his ears.

"Oh? Do tell me more."

She smiled, ignoring the ticking sound inside her head, the voice that urged her to look at the clock. "Well, my problem is that I can marry whoever I want to. But there are one too many options." She sighed, her throat running dry. "Sometimes, I don't know what I'll do."

"I don't mean to pry, but who are the two?" He asked, hair flopping in front of his eyes. She grinned.

"I guess you'll just have to stay curious, your majesty." He blew out air, narrowing his eyes. She smiled. Suddenly, her eyes widened and her gaze shot to the clock on the wall. 11:58! 

"What is it?" He, too, glanced at the clock, eyes widening. "Do you have to-?"

"It's almost midnight!" She gasped, pulling away from the golden-haired boy. He gave her a questioning look, reaching out for her wrist again. "I have to go, sir!"

"Wait, Ladybug-"

The masked girl stumbled out the door and down the stairs, a glass slipper falling off as she ran. She had no time. It was nearing midnight! She was going to transform back!

"I'm in love with you!" But it was faded, a sentence that no one heard but the Prince. He sighed, watching her leave. Suddenly, he noticed the shining shoe perched on the stairs gracefully. Picking it up, he carefully examined it. Only one girl could fit in this shoe; his Ladybug.

*You can think whatever you want. Maybe she felt Adrien's eyes on her. Maybe she felt Chat Noir's eyes on her. Maybe both? Comment what you think!

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