Chapter Ten

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(Sorry about the late update, everyone!)

"You're looking for someone?" Marinette stood straight, tucking her sword into her belt. Adrien flushed. She held her hands up in defense. "Pardon my intrusion, your majesty. I didn't mean-"

"No need to apologize, Marinette. I actually needed someone to talk to right now. I'm in a bit of a... situation and I'm in desperate"

Marinette smiled. "Of course, your highness-"

"Adrien. Please, call me Adrien." Marinette nodded slowly.

"Of course, Adrien. I still must apologize, however, for listening to your entire conversation. It was very undignified of me." Adrien smiled.

"You were nearby and you happened to hear. It sounds like an accident to me." He patted her shoulder. Marinette's face grew hot, his touch sending tingles down her spine. "I assume you didn't intend to stumble upon me, correct?" She nodded her head. "That can only mean that you came to practice fencing." He pulled his sword from its place at his side, pointing it at Marinette. She grinned. "Show me what you've got, Princess."

She grabbed her own sword and stood at a ready position. They circled each other, waiting for a perfect moment to strike. Adrien charged at her and she dodged, deflecting his sabre with a loud clang. She slid to the side, her sword touching his clothing. He stepped back, surprised.

This continued for a few rounds, each concluding in Marinette's win. Adrien held his hand up, attempting to catch his breath. Marinette, too, was breathing heavily.

"Wow, Marinette," He panted. "You're really good."

She flushed. "Thank you, your majesty. It is an honor to fight against you." Her eyes widened and her hands flew up, waving as if she was trying to dismiss what she'd just said. "I mean... I mean, I would like your alliance in the future what with my being a Princess, but, for now, it's fun to fight against you. I hope we never entangle in war! Not while I'm Queen."

Adrien chuckled, tucking his saber into his belt. "I know you meant well, your highness." Marinette flushed once again. What was it with her and turning beet red? "Shall we take a break?" The bluenette nodded, her original color returning to her face.

"Did you say... before... that you were in need of advice?" 

Adrien nodded slowly, all traces of a smile disappearing from his face. 

"Well, I'm no good at love, but I'm known for my empathy and advice, so, 'shoot'." Adrien stared at her, confused. "It's a new phrase I learned from my friend. She's spectacular with words and she always somehow finds these new things to say. She always sounds so intriguing when she says them, so, I thought I'd try it myself. It means, 'go ahead' or 'tell me'." Adrien inclined his head.

"There's this beautiful young lady whom I met at the ball." Tch. So there really is a girl. Why do I bother? Marinette thought, her heart racing. She didn't want it to be true. "She wore a mask the entire time and I never got to see her face. Not only that, but she left so early that I failed to express my feelings toward her. She left behind something that I hope I'll be able to find her by. However, I don't know where to look. My guards keep purposely failing to complete my orders and, frankly, it's driving me insane."


Adrien cut her off with a chuckle. "If I told you, you'd think me a liar."

Marinette smirked. "And why might that be, your majesty?"

"She's too perfect for someone as simple as me to be in love with. She's... more than I could ever imagine in a lady. She's dignified but outgoing and she speaks her mind. She's strong and brave and clever, she's funny and sweet, she's caring and hopeful, full of optimism."

"I'm sure a girl like that deserves to be named, Adrien." His eyes flicked to her. She smiled at him, despite the fact that her heart was sinking, crumbling and her gut was twisting in knots.

He looked up, his eyes full of pure adoration. "Ladybug."

Marinette's stomach flipped. Her eyes widened to the size of saucers, her smile fading as fast as it had come, replaced by an 'o' shape. She scoffed, not at him, but at herself. She hadn't seen the love he'd directed at Ladybug that night. How could she? She was too blinded by her conflicted feelings, the Akuma, the time, everything. Maybe her own love for him had blinded her. She had even known that Adrien was looking for Ladybug, yet she hadn't known why. How stupid could one person be? (A/N She's thinking about how stupid she is, btw, not Adrikins.)

"I knew you wouldn't believe me." He shrugged, letting out a sigh of muffled frustration.

"No, it isn't that, I just-" She inhaled and exhaled, calming herself. She couldn't let any information about herself slip. "You danced with her, didn't you?"

He turned, confusion spreading across his face like wildfire. "You saw us? You were there?" She shook her head, gulping down the guilt that came automatically with bearing a secret like her identity. 

"I... received word that you had taken particular interest with a masked lady, but I was clueless as to who it might be. I had no idea it was..." She trailed off. It all did make sense, now. He had talked to her as Ladybug about a girl he was interested in, one who he didn't know was royalty.

They sat in a long, comfortable silence that lasted for maybe ten minutes or so, each lost in their own thoughts. "I'm sorry." Marinette looked up, confused. "Don't get me wrong, Princess, this was beyond entertaining, to fight with someone above my level. I'm top of my fencing class, second to only the teacher. So, thank you, but I'm sorry for wasting your time with my useless claims of love. I don't know why I thought it would help to talk to someone. I-"

"Why don't you do it yourself?"


Marinette fixed her gaze on him, her eyes determined. "Why don't you yourself search for Ladybug? There's a famous saying, what is it..." She paused, thinking. "If you want something done right, do it yourself. Go around with the slipper and stop at every home. It would be close to impossible for you to go wrong in your own task, correct?"

Marinette smiled when Adrien's face lit up. "Thank you, Marinette! I'll do that."

"Ladybug is lucky to have someone like you waiting for her, ready to accept her for who she really is. Good luck, Adrien."

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