Chapter Fourteen

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Marinette awoke to the sound of rustling.

She sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, and yawned. "What time is it, Alya?" The brunette glanced at her friend, scurrying over to her as soon as she realized that she was awake. 

"Time for you to get up and get ready," Alya hurried the wide-eyed girl out of her bed. "If a Princess were to attend a formal ball meant for only nobles, how long would she prepare, Marinette?" Marinette froze, still too tired to process questions.

"Um, an hour?" It came out as more of a question than as a statement, highlighting Marinette's unsurety.

"Not in the least!" Tikki scolded, appearing from behind the 4-panel room divider near Marinette's desk. "You will need at least four hours. If we're lucky." Alya fixed the bed while Tikki arranged Marinette's hair into a messy updo for the time being. "Hurry into the shower now, child." Marinette paused, still very tired. "Go!"


After hours of poking and prodding, washing and drying, dressing and undressing, Marinette was finally ready.

Locks of her short, midnight-blue hair fell in small, curly, locks around her shoulders. Some of her upper-hair was twisted back into two rope-braids on either side of her head. Some more upper-hair met the rope-braids with two normal braids on each side of her head.

For jewelry, Alya had recommended pink-tinted, dangly, diamond earrings, but Tikki interfered by saying that Marinette needed to keep her miraculous with her at all times. Instead, Marinette settled for a pearl necklace with a rectangular, shiny, diamond in the middle.

Her dress was one that she'd made herself. Including the four layers, an exquisitely unique neckline, fluttery straps, a tiny black hem at the bottom, floral patterns along the dress, and a butterfly on her waist. She spun around, showing off her original pink, black, and white design to her friends.

"Your Highness," Adrien smiled, offering her his hand as she walked through the huge ballroom doors. "You look ravishing."

She smiled back. "As do you, my Prince."

She curtsied before the music began, showing a sign of respect for the noble before her. He followed with a bow. She took his hand and rested her other on his shoulder. He placed his other hand at her waist, holding her hand up. 

"You're quite tall, Prince Adrien," She muttered, loud enough for him to hear. "Do you enjoy watching ladies look up to you?" He rolled his eyes nonchalantly.

"Haha, very funny, your Highness." Though there was silence for a while, the music drowned out every bit of awkwardness from the moment. "So, Princess Marinette, I-"

"I hope you don't mind, your Majesty," A man cut in, smiling as he approached the couple. "but your father has called you to his side. I'll keep your lady busy for now." Adrien smiled back at him, then at Marinette, before walking to where his father sat. The man took Marinette's hand, resuming the dance. "Hello, madam, I'm Luka Couffaine at your service."

Suddenly, memories slammed into Marinette, almost making her stumble. A dance, blue and black hair, a fight, a kiss, her emotions.

"You," She breathed.

He looked at her strangely. "I'm sorry, m'lady, do I know you?"

She scoffed. "I don't know, do you?" Internally, she was trying to calm herself down and think straight. She needed to play it off. She was Ladybug last time she'd seen him. He wouldn't recognize her now.

"I'm absolutely sure I would've remembered a stunning girl with skin as bright as moonlight and eyes that rivaled the sea." He smirked.

"Ah, a poet, are you?"

"Song-writer, actually. We're all artists in a way. I play music along with write music. Next time I'll let you give it a listen." Marinette, in a way, enjoyed his cockiness, the way he said stupid things that she could easily shut down.

"How are you sure there'll be a next time, Couffaine?" She expected his smile to fade the way it did when she'd let it slip that she recognized him, but it did just the opposite. His smile widened.

He winked. "Fate led me to you this time, didn't it? I don't doubt we'll run into each other again." Twice, actually. She thought.

"You're an awful flirt, Luka." She fired back.

"Yet you're still here dancing with me, aren't you?" She paused for a second, pursing her lips. It was true, in a way.

"I'm waiting for-"

"For your Prince to come and sweep you away?" He interjected. "I wouldn't count on it. The Prince's heart is with someone else. It's no wonder, too. Even I've danced with his Ladybug. She's fiery and, quite frankly, a lot like you." Marinette hid her flush.

"She's not 'his' anything." She snapped. "And, in her defense, you've danced with everyone."

He smirked again. "My apologies, your Highness."


"Announcing His Royal Majesty, King Gabriel Agreste of Lyon!" Trumpets blared overhead, interrupting the peaceful dance. Adrien still hadn't come back, leaving Marinette with Luka for all that time. When the instruments stopped, the announcer spoke again, "At his side, His Royal Majesty, Prince Adrien Agreste of Lyon, your future King!"

The nobles cheered happily. Adrien waved from the second level that overlooked the ballroom, wooing the ladies. He flashed a smile. Gabriel raised his hand, silencing the crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," He began, his lips pressed into a straight line. "Your Prince will now choose his Princess. Ladies, please prepare for your name to be called. These names are my choices for Prince Adrien." Hushed whispers and giggling spread across the room.

"Princess Lila Rossi of Lille, France; Princess Chloe Bourgeois of Marseille, France; Princess Sabrina Raincomprix of Toulouse, France; Princess Kagami Tsurugi of Bordeaux, France; and Princess Marinette Dupain-Cheng of Paris, France." Princesses stepped forward as the announcer called out the names.

Adrien smiled at Marinette reassuringly. Marinette saw past his caring facade, however. She saw the broken child underneath with no freedom whatsoever. She glanced back at him with the same sundered smile.

"Son?" Gabriel whispered. "Choose your Princess, Adrien. They're all waiting."

Adrien snapped out of his trance and gazed down at the Princesses, all standing tall. "I choose..." Marinette bit her lip. She didn't know what she wanted.

If Adrien chose her, she could be happy. But couldn't she also be happy with Chat Noir, the sweet hero who had kissed her and danced with her under the sky full of stars? If Adrien chose her, she would get to spend her life with the sweet, gentle man who had treated her like an equal instead of a maid. If he didn't, she could spend her life with Chat Noir, the flirtatious, funny superhero who made her laugh with every word.


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