11 - Mare

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The wedding and after party were amazing, both were filled with tears and laughs. I must have fallen asleep, because now I'm being carried.

"You're not getting any better at fake sleeping."
Cal's voice soothes the air.
"You woke me up," I say as my eyelids flutter open.
"Yeah right," He says.
Cal drops me lightly onto my bed, turns his back and heads for the door.

"Will you stay?" I whisper.

He nods and turns back around. Once he's crawled into bed next to me, I lay my head on his bare chest.
"You're warm," I say.
"Well I am a burner," replies.
In response I giggle

We settle into an easy silence

"Will you stay?" He asks.

I know what he means. I will do anything to stay with him because what we have is real and I'm not going to let that go again.

"Yes," I say.

"I love you."

"I love you too Mare"

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