12 - Mare

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One Year Later

Tramy had to start his garden again once he came back to Norta. It took a while to convince my family and Kilorn that Norta is no longer a battle ground, but eventually they agreed, mostly because even if they stayed in Montfort, I would have stayed here with Cal. Evangeline and Elane stayed as well, just in case anything happed to Ptolemus again. With everyone back in Norta, Farley agreed to stay as well, Clara is almost three now and is slowly starting to understand her ability and be trained. I'm with the people I love most in a peaceful world. Three years ago I could had never imagined that this is what my life would be like. I still get nightmares. I think we all do. But now the come less often. I think I am finally happy. Mare of the stilts was never happy, she had a broken family and a broken life. Mareena was never happy, she was living a lie in a court full of snakes. The little lighting girl was never happy either, she was always fighting or people were fighting for her. But now I'm happy.

When I come striding back into our quarters after sparring, Cal is still laying in our bed. The rain pelts against the window. I crawl back into bed, back to Cal's warmth.
"Is everything ok?" He asks, indicating to the storm outside.
"Yeah, I guess it's just been hot recently," I reply.
"Good," Cal says kissing my cheek.
"Why are you still in bed, don't you have to help run a country," I say.
"Not today, Julian's got it under control," he says.
"Got what under control?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Just a few more cases like what Ptolemus had, they have the medicines on their way."
Not that I will admit it, but I'm glad Ptolemus was sick, because, after all he was the reason I returned to Norta in the first place. I rest my head on Cal shoulder and slowly fall back asleep as I listen to his rhythmic breaths.

We sat down to dinner at a large wooden table, I sat in between Cal and Eve, Kilorn sat next to Cal and Elane sat next to Eve. My family, Julian and Sara sat on the opposite side of the table. The night progressed as usual, the room echoing with chatter and laughter. Sometime throughout the night, Kilorn, Cal, my brothers and my father disappeared to somewhere, but they returned. And now Cal and I walk back to our quarters hand in hand. Rain still pelts against the windows and I can hear the wind howling, so once we are in bed, I curl into Cal's warmth.

"I love you," he whispers.
"I love you too," I whisper back

This time, at least I know neither of us will break the promise.

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