The Washingtons

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Papa Gwash!!
I was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper when Martha walked in clutching her phone. "What's wrong?" I asked putting the papers down "I-It's Alex...they said he's in the hospital" she said shaking lightly "come on" I said sternly as I grabbed her hand and the keys, we headed to our car and drove to the hospital. Once we reached the hospital Martha quickly got out the car "Martha!" I called after her as I got out the car myself, I walked inside to see her yelling at the lady at the desk " let me see my son!" She yelled frantically, the lady kept telling her to calm down and take a seat " Martha..." I said quietly as I grabbed her hand she looked at me and started to cry "George...what if-what if..." she said stuttering " calm down...we just have to wait ok" I said reassuringly as I lead her to the waiting room, her soft sniffling filled the quiet room " everything's gonna be ok, I promise" I said as I rubbed up and down her arm "but...George we just got him and he's already hurt" she said lightly "I-I know...I'm sure he's..." I didn't get to finish my sentence as tears started to build up in my eyes. I held Martha closer as my own tears poured from my eyes, we sat there embracing each other till a doctor walked in " parents of Alexander Hamilton?" The doctor asked Martha quickly got up causing me to fall "ah!" I yelled as I hit the floor "sorry George" Martha said " um...yes we are the parents of Alexander" Martha explained helping me up " oh good, come with me" he said while walking away, me and Martha exchange glances at each other and followed " what happened to him" Martha asked worriedly "well your son seems to have depression and he's had it since well he was twelve, that's what he told us. We recently found out that he's been suffering in silence and that nobody knew, so we gave him his medicine and told him he has a therapist he must see every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after school." The doctor explained as we stopped in front of a door "is that all?" Martha asked "I'm afraid that's it ma'am, if there is we'll tell you right away" he said as he walked away "I guess this is his room" I said quietly "I guess so" Martha said lightly while placing her hand on the knob and twist it

I heard talking outside my door but I couldn't make out who it was, then the knob on the door started to turn as the door was pushed opened and two people I recognized walked in "George Martha, what are you guys doing here" I asked bewildered as I small smile made its way to my lips, I know they are worried sick about me but I still missed them " Alex!!" Martha practically yelled as she engulfed me in a hug; a tight hug at that; "I missed you to Martha" I breath out as she let go "sorry. Are you ok what happened?!" She asked checking for any damage but soon stopped at my arm and seeing my past scars. "I'm ok, I'm just tired" I said quietly " Alex..." she started "I know you're worried but I'm getting better they gave me my medicine and I have a therapist now so I'll be good for now...I understand if you don't want me anymore, you can take me back whenever I get out" I said looking down slightly, I felt a warm persistent on my cheek. I slowly looked up and both Martha and George were staring at me with loving eyes, they both had soft smiles on their face. Martha's hand still warm on my cheek never moved one inch "Alex...we love you no matter what, we'll never take you back you're our son now and we will always; scars and all; love you for who you are" Martha said lovingly as she kissed my forehead, I felt tears prick my eyes but I forced them back " I love you guys too" I said as engulfed them both in a hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes until we finally let go, they told me that they were going to the school to let them know I was gonna be out for awhile I; obviously; agreed they also said they would bring my school work by so I won't be behind. We sat and talked till the sun went down and the moon and stars came out "oh dear...I think it's about time we go" Martha said "really? I'mma miss you guys" I said sadly "it's ok, we'll be back tomorrow" Martha said while pecking my cheek "come on George" Martha said while waking the sleeping George "huh?! Oh were leaving?" He asked while sitting up "yes now come on, Alex do you have our numbers?" Martha asked while pulling her husband up "yes ma'am" I said with a nod "ok call if you need anything or if you want to talk. Bye now!" She called out "bye son" George called after "bye mom bye dad!" I said loudly so they could hear it passed the door.

MamaMartha(kinda short)
"Did you hear that George!! He called us mom and dad!!" I squealed excitedly "yes I heard Martha" he said calmly keeping his eyes on the road, even though he's acting calm I can tell he's very excited. I couldn't stop smiling the whole drive home, we pulled up in front of our house and got out the car. We walked inside our house and we decided it was time to head to bed "George?" I called out "yes dear?" "Are you coming to bed?" I asked "mhm I'm turning the lights off" he said as the lights went off I laid down on the bed and started to head off to sleep when I felt the bed shift indicating that George got in next to me. I snuggled closer to him as I peacefully went to sleep

Bonjour mes amies!! It's ya girl the author, here's another chapter I hope you enjoy it and I love you all soooo much thanks for making this book special, it warms my heart ❤️😊this is all for now. Bon-voyage!!👋🏽🐢🥖🇫🇷🥐

Words: 1075

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