Chapter 34: Making pizza-burger-fries with CG5 and CK9C

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*_____ pov*

A new day... a new life to waste here.

I woke up first cause my old phone had a message from Emile:

E: breaking news

Mama and Dada are finding you. 😂

The police came to my house and I flirted with one cop. 😏

The boy I've met hasn't appeared since you left the hospital. 🤔

__: Poor Mama and Dada, I don't care a fuck.

Lucky you. 😏

I guess he's just a BITCH. Ignore him.




__: I almost forgot.

Will is DALove topic.

He has a girlfriend

I feel so stupid

E: no worries.

If you feel bad, then come back.

Just don't get depressed. 

__: ☹

E: go and eat girl. 😬

__: Listen That's what you get from Paramore.

E: Not a rock fan 😐

__: Fuck you and your pop dudes that are the same

I left my phone on someplace I'll later remember and went to the kitchen to order a pizza... but then I was hungry for a burger and french fries.

And then... I got an idea. But first, I need to wake up Mister Big Nose.


*Will's pov*

When I got up I remembered _____ sings almost like me... hurting my ears by the way:

-I have an idea and you'll love it- and speaking of the devil:

-I'm not letting you sing again- _____ growled like a dog:

-it's about food- there's something I learned from my two buddies and it's to never leave anyone use the kitchen.

And if you don't know... find the video I uploaded about the cookies I made with Charlie and Jack.

Fun fact... we destroyed my Alexa.

Well... let's see what's the little chum's plan:

-keep taking-


*_____ pov*

I had a plan... a weird and yummy plan and I needed some help... especially from the canine and the Teletubbie:

-pizza-burger-fries- okay... That's a weird name:

-and that is...?-

- A burger... with pizza on top... then bacon, cheese, meat, ketchup, and fries- there was a silence of him... but then he just smiled:

-where did you hear about that type of food?- he asked me, getting up from his bed and ruining my hair.

And I hate when people destroy my ugly hair:

-I created it, idiot- I growled and he laughed:

-okay little chum. But if you burn my kitchen. you'll pay for it- I nodded my head... kinna worried.

So well, Will called those two dudes to make a weird but yet, jummy and juicy meal.

And I said meal cause I didn't breakfast anything just to try that thing.


Some hours later...

It's like 1:37 and I'm still hungry cause those three never knew how to make those things... not even me:

-u'know what's the recipe?- I nodded, watching my entertainment. The teletubbie trying to add cheese and pepperoni to one bun, the canine burning the meat and bacon, and the big nose burning fries.

So in the end, they ruined the most coolest meal I ever thought could be real... and my appetite.

That's why I called for pizza and those three were about to kill me... but they didn't.

Lucky me! Maybe my badass luck is gonna change... maybe not.

Who knows?


*Will's pov*

I'm never accepting the ideas of a fucking dumbass teen.

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