Chapter 15: Damsel In Distress

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Link loved Kakariko Village, it was an open and friendly place for anyone. When Link was around six, his grandmother visited the Castle Town all the way from the village and taught him how to cook. She was a sweet woman, she loved her daughter and her grandson very much and would visit most of the time. But once his father started working less for the Royal Family, Grandma stopped coming. She died how she wanted to, and Link got to see her for the final time when he was eight.
Link jumped off the cliff and pulled out his paraglider. He had his Royal Guard Uniform because, to be honest, he looked great in it. It reminded him of the first time he officially became Zelda's Appointed Night. And, he genuinely loved the boots that came with the outfit. The two guards in front of the gate bowed at Link as he walked past and waved. He climbed up the steps while trying not to fall down the stairs. His legs were kind of shaking, did he feel nervous? What was there to be nervous about? He breathed in and puffed up his chest, then knocked on the door.
"Come in" Impa said. Link pushed open the door. Zelda turned around and looked at him. She was in Royal Gown that she wore during the second to last memory, and the ceremony. It looks like they were both reminiscing about the past with their clothes. Link took off his hat, pressed it against his chest and bowed. "Hey Zelda" He said. "That was faster than I expected" The Princess said. "I'm so glad you're here" She pulled Link into a hug, which he happily accepted, and hugged her back. "So, what's first on the list?" Link asked. "Well Riju and I are scheduling a meeting for some time this week in the afternoon to get this problem solved. The Rito Elder Kaneli wanted us to get to the village as soon as possible so we could sort things out. And the Goron Leader Bludo...Well..His letter was not so formal and not so polite. But I'm sure him and I could figure things out" Zelda clapped her hands together eagerly. "My my. You really are in a hurry, Princess" Impa said with a wide grin on her face. Link waved at her and smiled. "I've never heard the Champion talk." She said. "Oh, yes, that. Link has only started talking to me recently. But he's talked to Prince Sidon a lot more" Zelda patted Link's shoulder and giggled awkwardly. "Prince Sidon..? I assume that is the Zora Champion you mentioned." Impa paused and glanced at Link. "Crap" Zelda thought. "Congratulations on the relationship" Impa had said after the pause. Link's eyes went wide as he looked away from the Sheikah Elder to the Princess. "Sorry, I couldn't keep it in." Princess Zelda sighed and clasped her hands together in front of her chest. He put a hand on her shoulder and said "It's okay". Minutes passed by, and the three started to talk about the plan. "When will you two be setting out?" Impa asked as she poured hot tea into three cups. Link and Zelda picked up their cups and sipped the tea, earl grey, reminded them both of when they first hung out. "I'm not sure. What do you think, Link?" The Princess asked. "What do I think? Well first off all you should get a day of rest. So, maybe in a few days" He said and continued to sip his drink. "Yeah, a few days of just relaxing. I'll update the tribes for you. Seems easy enough" He added. "Oh thank you Link!" Zelda wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He talked some more with her, but time felt short. "So, I'll see you around, Zelda" Link said with a smile as he got up. "Alright Link, take care. Goodbye!" Zelda waved at him. "Bye Impa, thanks for the tea" He also said before pulling out his Sheikah Slate. "It's no problem. Safe travels and goodbye" The elder nodded. Link teleported away into blue light, shooting up through the ceiling and into the sky.

Sidon sat at his desk, a cup off coffee in hand and pen in the other. "At least a year" The words kept repeating in his head. "Dammit" He whispered quietly under his breath. "H-how am I supposed to wait that long?! I can't-" Sidon said as a there was a knock on the door. "Come in" The Prince said with a groan. "How's my Dreamfish doing?" Link asked as he opened the door. "My little knight, you're finally here!" Sidon swooped up Link into a large and tight hug. "I see you're dressed formally" He smiled. "Oh yeah. Changed after I left. And it seems that you're actually wearing clothes" Link chuckled and looked at Sidon's clothing as he was lowered back to the ground.

He looked gorgeous

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He looked gorgeous. The slightly loose liquid white shirt with a tight collar and tight cuffs that ended at his forearms, the intricate baby blue designs on the front, how the dark gold belt has a cloth that wraps around his behind, and how the navy blue pants fit him perfectly but jumble up at the bottom amazes Link. And don't get him started with those boots, he would die for them. They're everything! Gold and shiny, red on the bottom and at least 2 inch heels. Amazing. "You look hot" Link said with a smirk. "I-I do?" Sidon asked with a blush on his face. "Yeah" He lightly blushed as well, Sidon's cuteness stared to overwhelm him. "Link, dear, I was wondering..." Sidon sad as he gently grabbed Link's hand and slowly smoothed it with the back of his thumb. He kneeled down to get to his height. "What is it? Something bothering you?" Link asked in response. The Prince made a noise and with his other hand, he made a 'so-so' or 'in the middle' motion. "I've been wanting to ask... Do you think I'm rushing things?" He asked. "What? Oh no no no! You're not rushing things at all! To be honest, you're at a great speed. I love how slow and mellow we are together. And we can just chill and not have to worry about that much" The small knight gave him a wide and toothy smile. "So cute" Sidon thought before he pulled Link into another tight embrace. "I love you dearly, Link" He said. "I know. I love you way more though" Link responded. He felt Sidon's large hand tangle into his golden silky locks. He took off his hat and let the hand roam through, taking out every small knot.
"I'm gonna have to leave for a few days" Link said. "Why?" Sidon asked. "The Princess and I have to meet with all the leaders except for your dad" Link responded. "Why not meet with my dad?" He asked again. "Because we both handled the together, and your dad didn't send a complaint letter about the Divine Beast" Link was now rubbing Prince Sidon's crest, the spots on it were starting to glow. The Prince carried the small blonde Hylian to the bed, and placed him down softly. "Everything's starting to feel like old times. I'm helping Zelda with the Divine Beasts, spending time with my favorite Zora... Except I'm actually speaking" Link chuckled. He took off his hat and pulled off his white boots, then his socks. The heels of his boots hit the ground first creating a loud thump that would echo for a bit through the room. Sidon picked one up. "Zelda has a great sense of fashion for picking these as your uniform footwear... Your feet are small" He whispered the last part. "Well, yeah duh, compared to your literal everything. I mean c'mon!" Link laid down and put his legs up in the air. "Your whole body is small, but that's because Hylia made you to be the perfect cuddling size" Sidon laid next to Link and cuddled him tightly. "You're sooooo warm" The small blonde said as he snuggled into his lover's chest. "Gosh, I love you, my hero" Prince Sidon whispered. "I love you too, dreamfish" The Hylian Champion whispered back. They both laid there in silence. "You're amazing Link. I've never found a Hylian like you, you're so special and precious and I truly love you. Never forget that" Sidon said. Link didn't respond. "Hm, Link?" He asked. He moved the hair from his hero's eyes and saw that he was asleep. "My beautiful little hero.." He kissed his forehead and smiled. Sidon tucked him into bed, it was so cute to see the knight snuggle into the large pillow. He was like a small kitten, he kept purring in his sleep. "Sweet dream my pearl" Sidon fixed Link's hair one last time and sat back down at his desk. The Prince picked up the pen and looked at his cup of coffee. "Still warm" He thought and smiled. He took a sip and continued to write.
Ayooooo lmaoo sorry this took like a long time to get out. I've been working on two stories (one isn't published yet). I've been trying to finish Chapter 2 of Hyrule Academy but it's taking a long while because it's a lot. And i mean, a lot. Anyway, would you guys read that other story? It's not like focused on Sidlink 24/7 but like it is one of the main ones. AND ALSO can y'all like give me things that you would really want to happen in the future? Maybe something tragic? Something good? Just comment uwu. Peace, see y'all in the next chapter.
- Sage

•••Word Count - 1637 Words•••

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