Blackberry and Pepperment

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Chat Noir was hopping from roof to roof, the last place on his stop... The Eiffel Tower. The boy hoped his Lady was there. In moments, he was there. Ladybug stood there, eyes a bit red, but unnoticeable in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower.

"Pawdon me, red furmiliar heroine. I have some clawsome puns, which is unfurchenate for you right meow because a pawsome cat is here to sing some mewsic to the purrty lady." The boy laughed at his puns. He had been thinking this through for a while, although he was sure it didn't make much sense.

She looked up at him laughing, walking forward. "Hey, Kitty!" She smiled. Now in the light, the red in her eyes was a bit more obvious. This gave the cat an idea.

"Come on an adventure with me?" The heroine asks, extending his arm. He may have a girlfriend now but he still cared about her and he would never stop. To his surprise, she took his hand.

"Just no puns!" She joked.

"I can work with that." The cat remarks. Together their hands warmed the chilling weather around them. The cat extended his baton. He planned on cheering her up.

"You didn't have to buy me pastries, Kitty!" Ladybug laughed as they stopped at her parent's bakery, of course, he didn't know that.

"Well, I sure couldn't buy you Adre's!" He jokes as they walk inside, hands still clasped, keeping each other warm. "Take your pick, M'Lady."

Ladybug scanned the items, knowing them all well. But she knew her favorite. "Blackberry and Peppermint scone, please. Iced!" She adds to the cashier who happened to be her mother.

"Y'know we call that one the 'Marinette' now!" Her mother says, who is smiling brightly. "She created the combination and the customers find it quite a great combo!" She rambles.

Ladybug turns around.

"Chat? What do you plan on getting?" The boy was thinking about how he and Marinette were paired with that flavor.

"Hmm, I'll try the 'Marinette' please!" He informs Sabine. Who grabs two pastries from the rack. Chat Noir fingers into his pockets for money.

"It's on the house! Have a nice day." Sabine informs them as she heads to the back room.

The cat continues to pull out his wallet and throw some cash into the cash jar, a lot more than what they paid for but he had money, might as well use it.

Ladybug was astonished as she saw a fifty and some fives make their way into the jar. The two make their way out. "Thanks, Chaton!" She smiles as they walk to the park. Sure people were looking, but no one knew who they were, what was it going to do?

"I can always count on you to make me feel better Chaton." Ladybug mentions as the two sit down on a park bench, they were both eager for the desserts.

"Anything M'lady!" He responds grabbing the dark scone with red flecks, handing it to her.

"Mmmm.." Chat Noir's hand flies over his mouth as he takes a bite of the dessert. "Sorry, M'Lady this is just really good." He apologizes. She chuckles before returning to hers. A car screeches out behind them. They both turn around. "The news station. Should we stay?" The cat asks as the doors fly open.

Ladybug was reminded of Kagami's discomfort back in the elevator. "I think I need to clear a few things up about my identity," Ladybug says, setting her pastry in the parchment it came in before standing to great Nadia.

"So Kagami," Nadia starts, "is Adrien okay with the fact that you are cheating on him?" She continues. Ladybug's mind suddenly goes blank, everything stopping her from saying anything. Chat Noir looks at her, HE THINKS I AM KAGAMI! The girl thinks as she stands there in shock.

"I think M'lady is still a bit shaken from last night's battle and needs her rest before any interviews. But please remember our identities are supposed to remain a secret so if this couldn't air, that would be great." He carries her, the pastries remaining on the bench.

He brings them back to the Eiffel Tower. "Ladybug, are you alright?" He asks as they land, his hands on her shoulders. He wondered if the rumors were true if he had been dating Ladybug the entire time and that the boy she loved and was loyal to was him. Although as everyone knows, he was only half correct. She was loyal to him, but she was not Kagami.

"I-I'm fine." She was shaking. Ladybug felt the urge to puke... she was dizzy.

"No, you aren't." The boy says, laying her down. "You are Kagami aren't you?" Ladybug's eyes shut and her head nods backward, the boy takes that as a yes.

Ladybug wakes up later, still dizzy. It was pitch black outside, late into the night. A boy in a white jacket stands on the edge of the Eiffel Tower, watching the stars. "Chat Noir?" Ladybug squints her eyes shut as he turns around.

"I know your identity M'Lady, you can know mine too." He says holding her hands. Ladybug shakes, she wasn't fully conscious, her decisions weren't thought out. Her eyes open.

"Adrien?!" The girl backs up to the green piercing eyes. His black kwami behind him, saying something. A voice in her head translates the message, it was Tikki. 'Pretend your Kagami, Marinette. You may be disloyal but the identity of the future guardian must remain safe.' The blonde was smiling.

"I'm glad it's you Kagami." He kisses her passionately. Marinette was surprised but she couldn't resist, they were the lips of her partner and of the boy she loved. She had been rejecting him.

"I'm glad it's you too." She says. 

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