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Ladybug and Chat Noir kept chasing dead ends all night, people claiming they saw the girl. The boy did not know that he was searching for someone who had been searching with him, only doing it for him. All that was on his mind was her safety. Ladybug felt bad for worrying him but felt she had little choice, she just hoped an akuma would appear soon. Ladybug thought about everything she would miss, school, working at the bakery, it's for your identity's sake, she promised herself. You did not sign up for it, it comes to you. The girl kept repeating. I'm sorry Mama, Papa.

Chat Noir was stressing, Marinette was a smart girl, she would return home. THEN WHY ISN'T SHE?! His head screamed at his as the two searched, check every nook and cranny of the alleyways.

"Adrien, go home." Ladybug told the boy as the sun began to rise. "I don't have class today, so I will continue looking for Marinette." Ladybug rests her hand on his shoulder, a seriousness coming over her.

"But-" the black cat protested, wanting to continue his search. "Yes, M'lady." He seemed disappointed in himself but listened. He tried to kiss her but Ladybug turned her head, a kiss landing on her cheek, she apologizes and waves before he heads off, into the sunrise.

"Master, Master!" A green kwami calls out to Master Fu.

"Yes Wayzz?" the elderly man stands up, hearing the worry in the kwami's voice. The kwami points to the television as he forces the button down, increasing the volume.

Bakery Girl gone Missing? Was the headline.

A woman was on the screen, not Nadia as usual. "This French Depount High-school student was reported missing by her parents late last night after she didn't return home." A photo of the girl appears on the screen. Fu sucks in a breath, fearful for the secret heroine. "They said the last time they saw her was after eleven o'clock in their home. Marinette's friend, the blogger, Alya Ceicare regrets to inform us that they were no longer friends and she hadn't seen her since the last Tuesday after class. Her classmates responded the same way. Officers say that Marinette could have run away on her own with the loss of a friend and with an unhealthy obsession over someone," a photo of her room appears on the screen, showcasing photos of Adrien. "When we interviewed Adrien about ten minutes ago, he said that she just loved fashion. But this footage from the classroom shows otherwise." Tuesday after class appears on the screen, Alya was screaming at Marinette. Fu growls as he sees the smiling illusionist in the background, of course, she didn't have her illusion powers but that is what Fu called Lila. The girl's best friend tells her that she isn't made for Adrien. "We have people scouring Paris for her, we can only hope that she can return home."

"Wayzz, this is bad... Ladybug was seen this morning." Fu explains.

"I know, I know. She has got to transform back by now, the question is... where did she go?"

"It doesn't matter, Wayzz. As long as Ladybug still exists, I can not interfere, for my identity's sake." The man reminds his kwami. He sits down at his pillow, beginning to meditate. "She has her reasons." The man whispers, before slipping into his mediation.

"She has her reasons..." the kwami repeats, looking out the window. 

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