Hero or Villain?

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"Felix." The boy groans, still shaded in darkness. He wanted to run and rid of him but he didn't know what Felix purpose was. His cousin had made it just about to where Marinette was sleeping, a light whimper escaping her lips between breaths. Felix looks up from the sleeping girl. Felix was Adrien's slightly older cousin, on his mothers side. They both glared at each other, neither knowing what the other was. Adrien was still Chat Noir. Chat Noir knew his eyes were like sapphires, even in the dark. Breaking eye contact, Felix stripped Marinette of her blanket, looking at her, brows furrowed. Her eyes fluttered open but she closed them when she saw the figure before her. 

"Felix..." The heroine repeats, this time allowing the moonlight hit the leather of his suit.

"Dear cousin!" The boy exclaims, finally taking his nasty eyes of Marinette, although the boy had seemed quite sad. "Are you not happy to see me?" He whispers. Finally Chat Noir could examine his qualities. He had changed quite a bit since they had last seen each other. His hair was sleeked back, he wore a suit, and his eyes were tired. He almost reminded him of his father. 

"No, I am not. What were you planning on doi-" The boys question stops short as he realizes that Felix called Chat Noir dear cousin. "How did you know it was me?!" He yells, making his way toward Felix. 

The pampered boy takes a step back from Marinette at his outrage. Although, that was because he was startled not scared. "It was simple Adrien." The boy simply remarks. "Your green eyes are hard to miss." Marinette began to stir as she reentered sleep, without her blanket the boy was sure she was cold. 

"Marinette..." the boy longes aloud. A sudden surprise was on Felix face. 

"Wait... you came here to save her?" Felix questions, walking around the bed to where Chat Noir stood. The cat looked at his princess before nodding. "Oh..." was all he said before he turned around and started walking towards the door, "I thought you were coming to save me." And like that he was gone, into the depths of the home that will haunt Adrien for the rest of his life. 

Marinette shot up at the slamming of the door. She quickly examined the room, eyes finding Chat Noir's. "Kitty!" She yelps when she sees him, she tries to stand but hope vanishes in her eyes when she cannot. The heroine runs to her, "M'lady." He whispers, hiding his head in the crook between her neck and her shoulder. He felt her go still for a moment before relaxing again, hugging the boy tight. 

Little did they know that a camera watched the scene go down. Felix watched angrily as they whisper sweet nothings to each other. His hand tightened on the remote. "How come I can never find love..?" The boy asked the screen, pleading for an answer... understanding there was none. "When is it my turn to be happy..." he cries. He thought that if he helped Marinette, help her heal... he would fall in love with her. They would get together and have a hamster- the sudden movement on the screen broke him from a future he wanted. (and personally in this story, I think he deserved, but...) The black cat had called upon the gods of destruction, breaking the chains. Furious, he grabs his phone. (Originally he was called Caline so if you see any comments saying that ignore it). The phone rings for a moment before a voice comes through. 

"Is there a problem, Felix?" It was an older female.

"You need to get to the rooftops of my time asap, I know how to fix our problem, you know what I want in return." The line goes dead, he assumes it was all fixed. There was nothing the couple could do now, Marinette was their lucky charm after all, but she didn't have her earrings. 

Chat Noir picked up his lady as slowly as he could, noticing her wincing as he shifted the position of her back. "My legs aren't in pain," the girl whispers as she is put back down on the bed. "Wrap my legs around your chest and hold them there." She was getting weaker the more she used words but she knew Chat Noir wouldn't pick her up if she continued to wince. 

He looked at her and then outside. "One second Marinette." He simply says, watching her as he goes into the bathroom. She hears glass shatter and he returns. Going to the closet and retrieving a white jacket. The boy didn't bother to put it on her, he just draped it over her shoulders as he picked her up from her lower back. Doing as he was told. Once in position, Marinette slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head where Chat had earlier buried his. 

"I love you, Kitty." The girl had passed out.

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