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Happy St. Patrick's Day! ☘️ Edited (I decided to keep this little avatar creation, showcasing the old Roblox (2 years ago))
I play Roblox and this is my avatar.
Comment! Who am I. If you don't know I am disappointed in you!

 If you don't know I am disappointed in you!

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A day has passed since Serpentine's arrival. It was Friday and Chat Noir hasn't seen, Marinette, Ladybug, or Kagami. They all just.. evaporated. He knew Kagami was sick but little did he know, or anyone knows, that Kagami had fallen ill after a targeted time travel. Along with that, Marinette still hadn't fixed her kwami, Tikki. Who grew weaker every day. People began to wonder why there had been no akuma's. Chat Noir feared the worst. He feared that Marinette was akumatized and in hiding.

Once again at lunch break, Chat Noir was searching for Marinette, or a trail to Marinette. He was helpless. The weather was cold and he knew from personal experience that even Miraculous Magic could not fend off the cold. It was snowing and the boy was watching the crowds stumble down the sidewalk. A black umbrella with a grey G on the side catches his eyes. "Nathalie?" He whispers aloud. Nathalie never left the house, leaving his post, the boy wanted to check on his father's assist. Pushing through the crowd when he made his way through the people to her and familiar blue eyes pierced up at him. That wasn't Nathalie, it was Marinette. "Marin-" he starts. As for the girl, she tears up and runs.

Her heart was pounding. Chat Noir was chasing her from the rooftops. She dropped the umbrella, leaving it for the people to trample as it was slowing her down. Chat Noir worries for her as he chases the frail girl. Her hair was tangled and messy. Her eyes were tired. Her clothes were muddy. He wondered why she was not returning home. Gaining on her he jumps into the crowd, planning to grab her. Chat Noir fans surround him though, just leaving him and the umbrella. She pushes past the people, her soaked hair becoming black from the wet snow. "Sorry!" She yelps as people groan to her pushes and shoves. She finds her alleyway and makes her way behind the trashcan, breathing heavily. I think I lost him, she thinks.

About an hour has passed since their meeting when Marinette finally stands from her little hiding position. Her legs were shaky from the run. She wanted nothing more than to stop and run into his arms and tell him that she was Ladybug and Kagami wasn't, that she was okay, and that she loved him... but she couldn't bring herself to. The girl hadn't eaten, saving food for only her kwami's. Tikki was getting sicker by the day. She could've eaten any time but she doesn't because Alya's words stained her, imprinted on her soul. The reason she wasn't going back was because she believed Alya, she was a bitch, no one wanted to see her face again. "Marinette, you need to go to Chat Noir, he can take you home. We can say you were confused. C'mon Marinette." Tikki pleads. Watching as Marinette debates internally with her instincts, her heart, and her head. The girl nods to her kwami's words. Slowly eyeing the area around her. A black stairwell glimmers from the shadows. She walks over, each step shakier than the last. The stairwell took her to the top of the roof where she was sure she would see Chat Noir, she believed he would find her.

Reaching the top, she notices how cold she was. Her hair was ice, her eyes almost frozen shut. She walks shakily on the roof, legs wanting to give out with each step. "Chat Noir?" She coughs into the air. It was loud but muffled by the newly fallen snow.

"Be careful Marinette," Sass warns, emerging from her purse, as it sways with the wind. The girl walks in a straight line, now hallucinating. She was falling ill. She was weak. She was cold. She was shaken. Then... she was weightless, because her next step took her off a building instead of into her kitty's arms.

The boy had skipped class after seeing Marinette. He had no choice, he was so close. His head moves left to right rapidly. His pupils were small as he ran from corner to corner. He was freezing but the adrenaline warmed him. Suddenly someone voices a scream, it was scratchy and the snow fell harder with each second, but the boy would have recognized the girl anywhere and another scream joins in, knowing she is risking herself for an impact of a lifetime. "MARINETTE!"

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