Don't think, Just do

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Sleep had fallen over the girl after she had her meltdown, her body could only endure so much pain before crashing back into the silk blankets. She slowly began to wake some time later though, looking left and right... trying to remain calm. The bluenette could feel her hair, knotted as if she had just awoken from being sick. She couldn't figure out where she was, the moonlight wasn't bright enough, as it only lit up portions of the room, no key aspects. She couldn't feel anything below her waist, which would normally cause her to panic but instead she chose not to think about that, remembering that stress makes the pain more constituent. The girl pondered on her escape. Ladybug could get her out! She thought, hoping her lucky charm would bring her some luck. "Tikki, spots on!" The teenage girl calls into the air, waiting for the pink light to shine over her, turning her into the red heroine. This time it wasn't stress, it was fear. Reaching her head down to her hands, pain rippling down her most likely broken spine, she massaged where the earrings would normally lay. All she could feel was the tear in the skin which would normally hold them to her ear, Hawk Moth had her and now she knew it. The girl throws herself back onto the sheets, yelping in pain. She remains laying like that, not doing anything about her pain, just sitting there hoping something will save her.

While the girl avoided stress, the boys muscles retracted and detracted as they thought about the location of Hawk Moth. "Y'know kid, in this day in age people use phones to track each other." Plagg whispers into the cat boys ear. He reaches for his baton at the peak of his lower back, pulling it out and extending the small portion with a screen. He scrolls through his contacts, searching for Marinette's name, clicking it quickly. He impatiently waits as the now deafening echo rings out through the empty waiting room. Finally, Marinette's voice speaks instead but his heart and face drop as he realizes it was only her voicemail. Backing out of the call app, he scorers his phone for something else he can use. Of course! The black cat thinks, he could use the tracking app. Chat Noir was fearful as he pasted Marinette's phone number into the searcher. His spandex finger clicks the 'go' button and a digital green circle expands across the screen, giving the boy a blue dot on a quite familiar landmark, The Agreste Mansion. 

The boy didn't think, he just did. Running straight at his own home prepared for whatever was about to be thrown at the face. A beep of his ring resinates in the night. "Alright fine Plagg, we will start in my room but we will make it choppy." The boy remarks to the kwami inside his ring. Landing at his unlocked window he pulls, trying to open it. His brows furrow in frustration, he slips his way to the bathroom window, extending a knife from his baton. "Perfect." He whispers fogging up the glass as he cuts a circle, large enough for his to get through. He lands on sickeningly cold bathroom floor, causing him to jump up quickly. He creaks open his bathroom door. Why was his room locked up, did the pillow on the bed really fool them? The boy wondered as he peers around the room, noticing a figure... about the size of his pillow, extend out of the blankets. The cat crouches as he makes his way to the cabinet, holding Plagg's cheese, swinging it open he grabs a tub before quickly shutting it closed at the sound of a yelp. It was Marinette.. Marinette was the figure under the blanket. "M'lady!" He stood, shadowed by darkness. He was about to run to her when someone stepped into the room, it wasn't his father or Nathalie, the boy had the same figure as he but not the same intentions. It was Felix. The smirk on his face told the whole story, the cat let out a shout. 

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