All he could Do

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The boy wasn't aware of how fast he was moving, but it was fast. His eyes blurred with tears as he got closer and closer. But as time moved so did the distance between Marinette and the ground. As for Marinette, all of the pain from the Snake miraculous evaporated. She hears her name yelped from the background. Her purse lays on her stomach, prevent the kwami's from injury. This wasn't a suicide but there was nothing she could do to prevent certain death without hurting Tikki. There were only seconds before she hit the ground that she finally looked at Chat Noir, blowing him a kiss as he screams her name. "I'm sorry." She whispers before she hits the pavement, hard.

"Marinette!" The boy yells over here, grabbing her hands as blood escapes from her dying body. Emotions overwhelm him as she sits over her. Emotions he never knew he would feel for the death of someone who is just a friend. "Mari-" he cries bringing her hands to his face. Wiping his tears with them. The cries he let out bring people around him, watching the scene unfold, some whisper, some look away. Marinette's chest rises and falls unevenly, whimpering in pain. "Princess... please.." He whispers. "Please hold on..." Her breath was shaky, it was slowing down, Tikki knew she had no other choice. A red kwami's head appears from the bag, trying to stay irreverent to the crowd.

"If you keep crying she is going to die Chat Noir," Tikki yelps at the boy, trying to snap him out of it. "Get her to a hospital!" She demands. The red kwami had grown fond of the beautiful girl and the thought of never seeing her eyes open again pained her. The cat stared at the kwami, stunned.

"Y-you're Ladybug's kwami.." he says examining her, wasting time for Marinette to be saved. The dots didn't connect in his head. Why would Marinette have Kagami's kwami?

"Does it matter who I am? Please get her to a hospital!" Tikki demands, the boy picks her up tenderly, avoiding open wounds. He pushes through the crowd and he runs, Tikki sinking back into the purse. Her head hangs low as the boy moves in the direction of the hospital, she felt Marinette's heart stop and the heroine didn't know, he just kept running.

The girl knew she was dead the moment she hit the concrete. She was awake but she had no control of the body that was being sobbed over, the body that died lying. The body that died, no because she saved someone, but because she was clumsy and weak. The girl regrets every moment of the past week then and there. Lost in nothing but sorrow. Repeating her sorry's over and over to Chat Noir and the girl she used to be, the one with a beating heart. Chat Noir believed there was still time, he was cutting it close but there was. He was running fast, faster than he knew he was able. An older man with a purple suit appears in front of him, blocking the boy from the path to the hospital. "Hawk Moth." The boy growls, tightening his grip on the body of the girl.

"Chat Noir." The villain remarks, cane in front of him, one hand lay on top of the other.

"Let me through." The boy was pleading, bit kept his voice stiff. The girl's body finally went limp, releasing any hope of life or soul. Marinette watches as the scene unfolded, calling out for him that she was still there.

"Afraid I can't, you have something I want. Give me the Miraculous' and I will let you get your precious partner to the hospital... otherwise." The man spoke with an evil that they hadn't heard before. It made the boy freeze with fear.

"No." The boy's voice found a new deepness, groaning. Then he realized something. "Miraculous'? Plural?" Finally, the cat had the boy's tongue.

"Well aren't you the oblivious one." The man remarks, making his way to the girl's body. He swoops her frozen hair out of the way to reveal a black earring.

"M'lady..." the boy whispers. Marinette was watching from her place next to him, as a spirit.

"Marinette." A voice calls out. A light shining from behind her. Marinette turns around startled.


"I am an ancestor of the Ladybug miraculous, and I am here to escort you."

"I'm not d-" Marinette wouldn't believe it, she wasn't dead.

"I'm sorry, Marinette."

"NO!" The dead heroine calls out. "IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO END LIKE THIS." She looks back at the boy who has crumbled to the ground, trembling over her body. "He is going to realize the power of the miraculous and destroy it..."

"Not exactly, you see... Hawk Moth is going to take advantage. You know what Hawk Moth does with negative emotion." Her eyes go wide, Chat Blanc reappearing in her memory.

"No... I won't let that happen." With determination the girl runs back to her body, praying that it will allow her to reenter.

"Marinette, no!" The ancestor calls, but it was too late Marinette groaned in pain at her reentrance. Sure she was more alive, but the pain was nothing less to what it was when she left the world.

Marinette inhales deeply. Gasping for air. It takes all of her strength to open her eyes. "Kitty... I'm okay." She reaches her hand to his face, grasping onto it as he smiles, sighing relief. Tikki was relieved she didn't have to do the unimaginable, but that side of the story will be revealed soon enough. Instead, Tikki calls a Lucky Charm, summoning the past Ladybugs' power to teleport them to a hospital.

Arriving, Tikki slept praying that she would be taken to Master Fu soon enough. The boy yelped, not questioning the change of scenery. "Help! Please! She is dying!" The people in the waiting room looked at the helpless heroine, fear becoming of them seeing him look helpless. "She fell off a building." He pleads with the newly arrive nurse who had a bed ready.

"Lay her down.." the nurse says calmly. The boy does as she says. "We will do what we can." She turns, running through the doors. She was gone. The boy crumbles to the floor, crying.

"Marinette.." he calls pawing at the floor. He sits there forever. Crying, tears hitting the ground.

"Chat Noir... we need to ask you to leave the ER area. You can wait in the waiting area." A woman says. Her hair was an auburn brown, pulled into a very neat bun. "But, Chat Noir... I am sure your family is worried about you. Go home." The woman exits, hesitating before pushing the door open and leaving the boy. All he could do is wait. 

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