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Edited- TW: BLOOD (Sorry it is so short)

The boy wasn't aware of how fast he was moving, but it was fast. His eyes blurred with tears as he got closer and closer. But as time moved so did the distance between Marinette and the ground. As for Marinette, all of the pain from the Snake miraculous evaporated. She hears her name yelped from the background. Her purse lays on her stomach, prevent the kwami's from injury. This wasn't a suicide but there was nothing she could do to prevent certain death without hurting Tikki. There were only seconds before she hit the ground that she finally looked at Chat Noir, blowing him a kiss as he screams her name. "I'm sorry." She whispers before she hits the pavement, hard.

"Marinette!" The boy yells over here, grabbing her hands as blood escapes from her dying body. Emotions overwhelm him as she sits over her. Emotions he never knew he would feel for the death of someone who is just a friend. "Mari-" he cries bringing her hands to his face. Wiping his tears with them. The cries he let out bring people around him, watching the scene unfold, some whisper, some look away. Marinette's chest rises and falls unevenly, whimpering in pain. "Princess... please.." He whispers. "Please hold on..." Her breath was shaky, it was slowing down, Tikki knew she had no other choice. A red kwami's head appears from the bag, trying to stay irreverent to the crowd.

"If you keep crying she is going to die Chat Noir," Tikki yelps at the boy, trying to snap him out of it. "Get her to a hospital!" She demands. The red kwami had grown fond of the beautiful girl and the thought of never seeing her eyes open again pained her. The cat stared at the kwami, stunned.

"Y-you're Ladybug's kwami.." he says examining her, wasting time for Marinette to be saved. The dots didn't connect in his head. Why would Marinette have Kagami's kwami?

"Does it matter who I am? Please get her to a hospital!" Tikki demands, the boy picks her up tenderly, avoiding open wounds. He pushes through the crowd and he runs, Tikki sinking back into the purse. Her head hangs low as the boy moves in the direction of the hospital, she felt Marinette's heart stop and the heroine didn't know, he just kept running. 

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