I hate it when..

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I hate it when....

⒈Moms find out that we're going to school dinners. and they pick somthing really fancy for you.Sheesh mom,its just a dinner not a wedding.

⒉My parents & my nosy brothers think i have a boyfriend just because i smile at texts messeges.

⒊people make loud noises while they're chewing.Like i wanna punch them so bad.

⒋Bitches be like:See that girl?Oh my god is she wearing that new lip balm?Why is she sweating?Look at her fashion sense!Ugh..everyones a critic..

⒌my parents ask me to grow up.

⒍its valentines day and girls will put on clown make up.(just lucky i have you girl readers..)

⒎Guys found out i play GTA5.Yea whats wrong with that..why can't i play that..Am i fined just for playing MNORPG Games?

⒏Little kids say I'm childish..and in like. .So what! At least I ,don't grow up too fast!

⒐my mom cleans my room.

10.I come home from school and my dad has this 'report card time'or'we need to talk' face.

11.I see the last bar of chocolate.Im like:Hmm..i'll eat that after i bathe.After i finish bathing i find it gone.

12.I watch TV with old people.Like they ask weird questions y'knowww..

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