when im with my parents in publuc

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A/N:HEY BANANASSSSES !!LOL SORRY!P.S my cousin is soo annoying asking me about my wet drean with KRIS..(WHY DID I EVEN TELL HER)*face palm*


When Im in public with my parents:

1.run away from them

2.yell 'YEHETTTT' in a huge crowd

3.act like a 6 year old.

4.always get whatever i wantt

5.sing EXO songs out loud

6.suddenly bring up weird topics like so mom,i heard you and dad moaning yesterday night.what happen *derp face *''

7.be moody

8.buy things without em' knowing


10.Be the lamest child possible


A/N:Do No. 1,2,6,10.Drives em' crazyyyy hehehehe..........

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