Meet the Allies!

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(Y/N) had slept peacefully while the operatives discussed what was next.

"Are we just going to move her back to the [CIVILIAN] residences?" Inquired [OPERATIVE] Practical.

Great_Day sat in thought, he had barely spoken a word at the meeting that night.

"I was really hoping to have her around. I really enjoy her company." Unpredictable murmurs.

"IS (Y/N) REALLY THAT GREAT?" Unstable asks, annoyed.

Radiant perks up. "Oh, she's beautiful! Her personality is so charming~! A dear she is." He sighs happily, thinking of the recently cured.

Unstable jerks in slight movement. "IF SHE IS, I NEED TO SEE FOR MYSELF!!"

Radiant winces. "I-"

"No." From the head chair, Great interjects. "Unstable, I'd like for you to take her to meet AloneTraveler."

Unstable smiles, while Placid crosses his arms. "(Y/N) is charming, yes, but why would you like for her to meet our allies? I don't see a reason."

Great leans forward in the larger chair, making the springs underneath the cushion whine. "I may consider her for another job," his uncovered eye narrows. "I'd like to know more about her. I request for her to stay in my residence in two days."

The Operatives nod in unison, officiating the meeting.

Meet the Allies!: Chapter 5

The morning sun is blinding. Especially since I've been waking up in a dark cell for nearly a year until today. I never dreamed of this happening!

I stretch, yawning. Placid's brown woolen sheets were very warm, I fell asleep very quickly.

Once I got out of bed I realized I was still in the same clothes as yesterday. Aaand...I left the bag of new clothes at Radiant's.

Sighing, I remembered last night. I was still worried about all the fuss that happened. Did I do something wrong? Where they...jealous?

Operatives? No!! I always used to pass by them on the sidewalk before I got infected. I knew their history of shooting at us [CIVILIANS]. I never had ever thought I'd get so close and familiar with them.

Had some sort of infection come on them? They're so suddenly nice!~

I should probably go and head out to see if I could get my clothes back, I'm sure Radiant kept them safe.

I took a glance in the mirror, making sure I looked at least decent to step outside. I smoothened out my hair, took a breath, and opened the metal door that leads to the outside.

Radiant's residence is only a few residences down. I followed the stripes, noting that his is next to Unstable's.

I pass by Unstable's to where I had caught a view inside. The furniture is arranged just like Radiant's and Placid's. They are all probably the same, interior-wise.

But, then I hear the familiar unlocking of the door. Of course, the one and only Unstable_Day hops out and smiles widely at me.

"(Y/N) YES YES?!" He shouts, looking ecstatic.

After I recovered from the sudden shock of his loud voice, I nodded quickly. "Y-yep...that's me!" I laugh.

His smiles somehow gets wider...his teeth are rather sharp. "FOLLOW YES YES!"

"Oh, would you mind if I get changed first?" I ask, cautious. I knew about how violent Unstable could get. Even if he was unprovoked.

He nods, leading me to Radiant's residence. I quickly hurry inside and change into a casual outfit and brushing out my knotted hair.

Once I stepped outside, Unstable grabbed me and practically dragged me down to the city square. "Unstable? Where are we going? And in such a rush!" I huff, tired of running.

"WE CAN'T BE LATE TO SEE ALONETRAVELER." He shouts, leading me down a wider hallway with grey walls.

He keeps on pulling me, up until we get to a residence labeled, 'AloneTraveler's Residence.'

"HERE WE ARE!" Unstable announces, twitching slightly. "DON'T BE NERVOUS, HE IS VERY INTIMIDATING BUT UNSTABLE KNOW HIM WELL! I PROTECT YOU!" he laughs, his face blanketed with a hue of blue. Is he blushing?

I giggle slightly. "Okay, [OPERATIVE] Unstable."

He twitches yet again and turns to unlock the door. There stood a man. He was very tall, and he looked to be made of stone. There was an eye plastered on his lower torso and he wore the average ROBLOX cap on his head.

This must be the AloneTraveler I heard about. Is he a recent ally to the Days?

"Welcome, (Y/N). I have heard much of you." He bears a creepy smile.

"Nice to meet you." I extend an arm out to shake his, but he doesn't even acknowlege it. Rude, much?

He faces a small cage in the corner, one I had not notices before. There was an average-sized man there, who also appeared to be made of stone, but he was painted all black. He had some speckles of white on his body and a few white stripes. Is he infected?

"This SELOZAR. He faces many punishment." Alone seems to glare at Selozar. I wonder why he is kept in such an uncomfortable space. I feel empathy for him.

"You may go speak him. Not long though." I agree, walking up to the cage and placing a hand to the bar.

I turn to Unstable, who gives me a thumbs-up. He then buises himself with talking with Alone.

"Hey there!" I smile warmly. He looks very afraid and helpless, which makes me wonder what he did wrong.

He looks at me, but he doesn't respond. Maybe he's just shy!

My eyes go soft, and I kneel down to his level, since he is slumped on the base of the small cage. "I know what it's like to be thrown into a cage. I was recently let out," I close my eyes. "That just comes to show that you should always have hope for the best!" I tell him, cheerfully.

"W-Wow..thank you." He whispers shakily, placing a hand over mine.

"HAHAHA ENOUGH YES YES!!" Bickers Unstable, throwing his arms around my torso and prying me away from the cage.

"Oh...Goodbye SELOZAR, goodbye AloneTraveler! It was nice meeting you both!" I call, being dragged down the hallway by the hyper, blue cap-wearing operative.

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