Empty Apologies

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"God damn it..." Macabre holds his cap in one hand, his head resting in the other as he held it in pain, where Radiant and punched him, "You're a shiny bitch, Radiant."

[OPERATIVE] Radiant pouts, 'hmpf-ing', before straightening his punk cap; "The shiny b-word I might be, but at least I'm being one in order to protect (Y/N)!" He crosses his arms.

"Why the hell do you- not even just you! All the others, they have a soft spot for that weak girl! I wouldn't be surprised if Great was also kissing up to-" Macabre's rant is halted when [OPERATIVE] Emotionless walks to join the two bickering operatives.

Emotionless's eyes show what is, unquestionably, judgement toward Macabre. "Macabre, for the last time, you must always address the [SUPREME LEADER] with his proper title," His gaze shifts downward a little, but after a moment those brilliant green eyes walk back up to the belligerent operative, "You call that girl weak, however she was the one who had you pinned to the concrete with your own gun."

Radiant suddenly bursts into laughter, doubling over and holding his sides tightly. "Y-YOU'VE GOT to be joking! Untrained (Y/N) had Y-YOU pinned to the ground!" He chokes on his laughter, "How pathetic!" Emotionless couldn't help but smile a little, but as soon as Macabre's gaze shifted over to him, he went back into character.

His laughing is interrupted by a punch in the gut. "Shut the hell up! I went easy on her!"

Emotionless narrowed his eyes; "Quit trying to justify yourself, Macabre. We're all sucking up to her, there's no doubt-" He trails off, trying desperately to avoid admitting his own faults. "But she deserves it."

Macabre groans loudly, "For WHAT? Sitting in a cell and being useless?"

Then, Emotionless reels his gun from its holder and jams it right into Macabre's ribs.

Macabre wheezes, grabbing his side. Emotionless slides the gun ever so gracefully into his holder with a spin. "You're lucky I don't report you for hurting her. But I don't think I won't let you off so easily. I want you to apologize to her."

The black-vested operative coughs. "You bastard...! Fine, that's nothing! I'll just-"

"It must be meaningful and genuine, Macabre. Or else you'll find yourself stripped of your title." Emotionless says, beginning his stride away.

Macabre, still clenching his side in pain, looks over to Radiant. Radiant quickly turns away, giggling. "You're on your own for this one, Macabre!"

Macabre groans.


Chapter 13: Empty Apologies

The light coming from the window lifts me out of sleep, and I flutter my eyes open. A new day, and the start of getting those confirmation-thingys from the [OPERATIVES]!

But... How exactly do I do that? Great_Day really only said to get them anyway I could, even something about "outside bribery."

I wonder what exactly he meant by that.

I got up and stretched, yawning a bit as I went to shut the blinds. It seemed brighter than usual today.

I wonder who I should start with. I'm sure Operatives like Radiant or Dynamic would be pretty easy, but what about Emotionless or Macabre? Or what about Unpredictable!

Hm, I guess I'll just see what today brings. Perhaps the first I stumble into would be the one I go for!

I pump my fist, tidying up and walking outside my residence, breathing a whole breath of fresh air.

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