Secret Places and Unlocked Emotions

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Emotionless's stoic expression is not easily seen among the crowd of people clamoring together to get their days started in the grand city. Despite this, the crowd seems to hurriedly clear a path for the intimidating operative. His green eyes, which seem to glow with harsh judgement against others search across the city blocks until he spots the three people he least expected to see together in one place.

Benevolent...Macabre...and of course, (Y/N).

(Y/N). He had never confronted her about the past. The past with harsh treatments and forgotten food schedules, treating her like a dog. A neglected one- at that. Everyone knows how the [INFECTED] are treated. Especially himself, he spends most of his time there.

He's well aware of (Y/N)'s feelings about him. Fear, hatred, anger. All are justified, and well justified. Deep down, he wants to confront her, he wants to apologize for being the cause of her trauma.

He groans into his hand, frustrated with his feelings, the things he hates the most. WHen was the last time he had feeling problems?!

He shakes his head, clearing all emotion from his features, returning himself to a world of stoic expressions and unreadable gestures. Again, at last.


Chapter 14: Secret Places and Unlocked Emotions

"M-Macabre! I don't think a picture is worth shooting someone over!" I stammer, desperately trying to pry Macabre's strong arms off of the gun he was holding to a chuckling Benevolent, in the process of deleting the photo. "He's deleting it anyway!"

Macabre grunts, persisting to hold the rather large gun against Benevolent's neck, shouting, "Stay outta this, (Y/N)!" He bares his shiny, sharp teeth in frustration. Soon, there's this strong force that slams against Macabre's arm, forcing him to drop the gun.

I look over, and there's the familiar green-suited operative, clad in his plaid hat. He had punched Macabre's arm downward, and his arm was still in the same position. I back away, feeling sweat roll down the side of my face. Emotionless always made me nervous whenever he was around. I want to like him, but it's hard to like a man who was a key part in your unsettling past.

"Quit roughhousing around (Y/N). Besides, you two have much better things to tend to than silly cupcakes and flirting with a civilian." At that last remark, Macabre's face flushes and he turns away, grumbling.

"Of course, Great suck-up." He mutters under his breath, before Emotionless walks past him, stepping on his heel making him tense up, eager to hide the tiny bit of pain.

"Think twice before you speak, Hammerhead." Yet another remark flies so smoothly out of his mouth, without expressing any emotions. Even so, his skill of hiding all of his emotions seems so impressive, in such a weird way. "(Y/N), lets go."

I perk up. "Huh?" He nods, beginning to walk away. He does not stop to wait for me, definitely showing off his coldness. I stammer a 'goodbye' to the two other Operatives, earning a grumpy reply, and a rather peppy one. I rush to Emotionless's side, falling into step with him. "Where are we going, [OPERATIVE]?"

He holds his forward gaze with such strength, not bothering to turn to me once. "I decided to help you practice going across the piers."

I hum, thinking for a moment before deciding to chat a bit more with the operative. "The ones to Gr-" I gulp, coughing a bit to cover up my shameful mistake, "the [SUPREME LEADER]'s residence."

He nods, pulling something out of his pocket holding it in the palm of his unoccupied hand. I try to tilt my head to peer at what it could be, but he turns his hand the other way. "I suppose that I should teach you, since you'll have to cross it many times once you're an official operative." He explains, which causes me to tense up.

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