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[ xiaojun | yangyang | lucas | winwin | kun | hendery | ten ]

Hendery had one job in his life and he manages to screw up because what does he do? Oh yeah, he gives the love of his life his brother's phone number because he couldn't remember his own. Of all the times he could have blanked out, he chose now. Smooth!

"Wow, I didn't think you would give it to me." Xiaojun raises his eyebrow, glancing at how Hendery was so immersed in his book. It looks like he shouldn't bother the Vice President so much. After all, it's supposed to be the busiest month for the council members.

As Xiaojun walked back to his table, Hendery whipped out his phone to quickly text his brother. The thing was, that wasn't an ordinary phone number, it was...

"No way! You really got his number?" Ten frowns, feeling slightly disappointed. Sure, he couldn't be any happier since he could use this opportunity to serenade Hendery with his slick moves, but he totally forgot the part where that number was given to his best friend.

Lucas widens his grin at the sight of Hendery taking a sneak peek at the trio. Oh, he sees right through that boy. What should he do to spice things up a bit? Hrm... "Hey Xiaojun, what's your favorite sex position?"

"Duh, it's totally doggy style." Ten confidentially says, pointing to his ass. "Everyone knows that's the best to feel a dick tighten in the hole."

Was Ten not only horny but also deaf? Hello, Lucas did not ask him, but Xiaojun. He almost wants to let out a loud laugh, but now wasn't the time to even speak. It's as if Xiaojun knew what Lucas meant with his constipated poop face because he only makes that face under one circumstance.


Xiaojun turns around, meeting the eyes of his English teacher. "H—hey, teach."

"Kid, do you know what time is it?" Mr. Lee gestures, pointing to the clock on the wall.

If Xiaojun had known any better, he would have answered the actual time, but deep down he knew what his teacher meant. "Detention for three?"

With a pleased nod, the teacher glances at Ten and Lucas before handing them the notorious pink slips.

"My mom is going to kill me." Ten sinks down into his seat, crumpling the pink slip in his hand. "I'm going to get my buttplug taken away!"

Of course, Ten had his priorities.
See, this is why Xiaojun believes his best friend is better off with his mouth closed. Ten was the guy in the squad who speaks fluent shit.

I promise yangyang gonna appear in the next chapter. 😌

dirty talk • yangyang | xiaojun | xiaoyangWhere stories live. Discover now