Ninth Letter

185 18 3

Dear Jimin,

Hey Jimin. So, today's supposed to be a special day.

I bet you've guessed it. It's my birthday! yay...

But don't be sad. You didn't miss my birthday. You're next to me so you're here... yeah...

I'll be hanging out with the others later. We're going to watch Captain Marvel today. I just wished that you could go with us. Well, once you wake up, we can watch it together! We can also cuddle each other.

I can't wait for that.

So, I need to make a birthday wish. Here is my wish before I leave.

It's a simple one.

I wish for you to live. That's all I'm asking for. I want you to wake up. I want to be in your comfort again. I missed spending time with you. You didn't deserve to be a victim in that accident.

But that's all I'm asking for. That's all I'm praying for.

It isn't too much to ask right?

I want a miracle to happen.

I want to see you smile again. I want to see you open your eyes again. I want to hear your voice again.

I love you Jimin. Please wake up...

Please make my birthday wish come true...

Your Birthday Boy,

Till You Wake Up: The 30 LettersWhere stories live. Discover now