Twenty-Sixth Letter

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Dear Jimin,

I want to talk about something.

It just feels like one of those days when you would think about your memories.

Do you remember when we first met?

It was the second year of high school when we met. I was the silent type while you were this outgoing kid. When you first talked to me, I remembered that you said that your goal was to be friends with everyone in the batch. I was a stupid and dumb kid that time so I have no idea how you came to like me a lot more than the others.

Well, that's what Taehyung said to me. He told me that you really enjoyed my presence even though I had no idea what I did to make you like me that much.

Oh and remember that dare? Apparently you, Tae, and Kook were playing truth or dare then you had to kiss me as a dare. You were my first kiss and, that was the moment when I realized I was gay.

It was the last day of school. The next year was college and, it was the last day of exams at that time. You confessed that you liked me and oh how I remembered that you were blushing beet red at the time. Gosh, you were so adorable. Until now of course.

I'm glad we went to the same college. Quite sad that we weren't roommates though but, I still get to spend time with you. I loved those moments together and I cherished every single one of it.

I want to have more memories with you Jimin.

I will find a donor as soon as possible.

I know that I can find one. I'll save you Jimin. Please keep holding on.

The Love of Your Life,

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