Meeting Him

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I slammed the door of my locker shut, feeling rage at my fingertips. I took deep breaths, but it didn't help. The faces of the laughing cheerleaders were etched in my mind, and the only thing that could get it out was if I punched them in person.

Whoa. Calm down, girl. You're getting ahead of yourself.

"Bee! Was that you? Are you trying to get sued by the school?"

I turned towards the direction from where the voice came, feeling a bit of relief wash over me when I saw my best friend. Chris stepped past me and began whispering to my locker, slowly petting its handle and casting occasional glances at me with a frown on his face.

"Ok, it wasn't even that hard. It's a locker! Besides, that isn't even half of the rage that I'm feeling right now. Honestly, I don't know why they're popular... I mean, who even likes those bitches!?" I said while constantly punching my fist into my bag.

"Hey, I talked to you about this. Why are you even getting upset? Besides, it's not like they're picking on you."

"Yeah, but still. They walk around the track like they own it. I bet they couldn't run half as fast as I can."

"Just drop it. I'll buy you ice-cream if that's what it takes to shut you up", Chris threw his hands in the air, accepting defeat.

"What flavor?"

He gave a dramatic sigh. "The usual chocolate chip cookie dough with an extra topping of chocolate sauce"

I gave a cheeky grin, "Deal."

We left the locker room together, only to find a surprise around the corner.

"Noah", I whispered under my breath before pulling Chris back where we couldn't be seen. My heart was beating too fast for my own good, and that wasn't because I was just running. Chris looked at me with a grin, resulting in me just punching him.

I hated what was happening, but if you saw him, you wouldn't blame me.

He was tall, with a lean body... Not skinny, well toned. He had this messy dark hair, with a jaw line that could probably cut. He had this tan every day, almost like he spent all his free time in the beach. And his eyes were the most startling of all- they were gray!

Compare all that gorgeousness to me, a nobody! I had nothing that he would be interested in. Brown eyes, brown hair, and the palest skin tone ever imaginable. There was no way that he was falling for me, but that didn't stop the vice versa from happening.

"Seriously, Bee. I think you need to be honest with him. That way, if he rejects you, I can try!" Chris said with a smirk.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Chris is gay. I guess that's what prevented our guy-girl relationship from getting awkward.

I narrowed my eyes at him, stepping out of our hiding spot at the same time.

"Hey, it's Beatrix, right?"

My heart nearly stopped when I heard that. I looked to the left to see Noah looking right at me. There was no mistaking that he was talking to me. He had a smile that simply brought out his faint dimple.

I was ready to pass out.

I nodded my head, doing my best to look calm and smiled. His grin grew wider as he began to approach me. From the corner of my eye, I could see Chris slowly inching away, blending in with the crowd.

So much for having my back.

"I saw you on the track earlier. Damn, you were fast! How long have you been doing this for?" he asked with his soft honey-like voice.

I didn't answer as I was still processing his first sentence. He noticed me?

Realizing the silence building up, I snapped back into reality and replied.

"Oh, yeah. I've been doing it ever since I was a kid. You'd think that was a good thing, but my mom got the worst deal on the receiving end. She says I never stayed in one place. Maybe that's the reason I'm the only kid. Maybe she doesn't want another beast like me", I said, regretting each word as it tumbled from my mouth.

Why am I talking so much? Shut up brain! Stupid, stupid....

To my surprise, he started laughing!

Bee, this is too good to be true and you know that. Enjoy it! Look at those lusious lips- why did he stop talking? Did he ask a question?! Crap crap crap

I gazed at him in awkwardness, hoping that some heavenly blessing will come and save me from the situation. Only with my luck will I land a conversation with the HOTTEST guy on the planet - and blow it.

As if waiting for its cue, the bell for the next class rang. And, if my eyes weren't tricking me, Noah looked upset that our conversation ended.

"Listen, Beatrix. I felt really comfortable with you just now. Maybe tomorrow, if you don't mind, we can go for a snack after school? If you don't want to its completely fine..." Noah said gazing deeply into my eyes.

This had to be a dream. There was no way this was happening in real life! Well, I guess I can enjoy this dream while it lasts.

I nodded my head and gave a small smile.

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