Malcolm Craig: Avoid It

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Malcolm's POV

I was on a date with my girlfriend Y/n when I got a call from my mom. I quickly got up telling Y/n I had to answer a call.

I got outside of the theatre answering the call "I wasn't aware Jack was sleeping over tonight, he's in your room waiting for you to get here, we ate dinner with him. When will you be done?" She had asked me this question and I had the same. I went on this date as a way to try and boost my confidence up enough to kiss Y/n because I hadn't yet and I didn't want her making the first move, I wanted to make the first move because I loved her.

"The movie is almost over, Mom. I'll be home... In like, 45 minutes? Tell Jack to start the dam project," I say.

"Is that why he's sleeping over?" She asks, trying to continue the conversation thou I had to go inside the theatre I was currently standing out of so I could sit with my girlfriend.

"Mom! Let me go..." I said.

She quickly said, "Sorry, sorry, go ahead, love you, sweetie, have fun."

"Love you too, bye Mom," I say, hanging up before she can answer.

I quickly went back to the theatre. I walked up the steps to the top row where we were seated. She grabbed my hand as I was sitting down and smiled up at me, "Hey Malcolm," she whispers. "Who was on the phone?"

"It was my mom," I whisper. "Jack is at my place for a sleepover or project kind of sleepover, I am finishing this though, okay?" I hold her hand and she holds mine cuddling next to my shoulder while "Captain Marvel" played through to the end.

We were walking back to our houses, we hit her house first so I was walking her home while holding her hand. I looked at her trying so hard to push myself to kiss her, I really wanted to but I didn't want to fuck up.

We got up on her porch and I wrapped my arms around her waist and leaned my forehead against hers. "I love you," I whisper.

She giggles and wraps her arms around my neck, she whispers "I love you too," while pressing her nose to mine. She started leaning in a bit and I noticed the move was coming up but for some weird reason, my body retracted from the move.

She had tears in her eyes as I quickly said "Hey, um... We can hang out tomorrow morn-"

"Sure," she says, pushing open her door and leaving.

"Baby..." I say faintly but the door was slammed shut. I groan knowing that I keep fucking up.

Jack's POV

I watch as Malcolm walks into his room clearly stressed out and I continue drawing a planet on our dark purple bristol board. "So! What did you do to fuck up the night, Malcolm?" I ask. He jumped when I said "so", probably shocked by how loud it was, or he just forgot I was there. "I didn't do it again, we almost did-" I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"And you ran away? I'm just guessing... That was KIND of the case last time so I am assuming it's the same now, you know what I mean?" I looked at him hoping that I wouldn't have to explain what I meant.

"Yeah, I get it..." He nods his head slowly. He looked at me sadly and said: "And you're not wrong..."

I sigh and get up. "Dude, just let her make the mo-"

"She cried..." I was shocked by his words.

"She what?" I asked, worry written all over my face.

"I moved away and she cried and wouldn't let me talk to her, Jack. I'm an awful fucking boyfriend." I shook my head after his sentence and stood right in front of him.

"Hey, you're not a bad boyfriend. You just... Need to fucking make a move..." He looks into my eyes and I sigh. I hug him and say "Tomorrow at school... Plant one on her and just-"

"How do I do it?" He asks. I was confused and answered as if he was a fucking idiot.

"You put your goddamn lips on-" He groans cutting me off and yelling at me.

"I KNOW HOW TO FUCKING KISS HER! Just... What do I do? Do I like... hold it there? Do I just suck on her neck or-" He seemed overly panicked and I explained to him.

"She will kiss you back, just push your lips against hers and hold them there for a few seconds," I say as he nods his head, taking in the information. "Just pull away, but not too far away, she might want to lean in for another one, Malcolm. If she does then just do it again."

"Okay, but what if she doesn't-"

"She will want to," I say, cutting him off quickly. "Let's work on this stupid fucking project," I smirk and get back on the floor.

Malcolm's POV

I wake up to my mom calling Jack and me downstairs. We get up groaning from the floor, we had almost finished the project but fallen asleep in the midst of it.

"What!?" I call as I stumble down the last few steps.

"Y/n's mom called, she wants me to tell you that Y/n can come over to hang out with you around noon." I smile and look at Jack.

"Um... I'm leaving before that," he says. I smile and nod as Finley runs down the stairs at top speed.

"Y/n's coming over?! Can her and I do a nerf war?!" I shake my head telling him to not bother us when she's here and he groans, storming off to his room once again.

Around noon Jack was gone. I was sitting in my room waiting for Y/n to show up. I played with the small lego turtle I had on my dresser when my dad calls up "Y/N IS HERE!"

I throw my turtle on my laundry basket and say "Send her up."

"WHAT WAS TH-" I hear my dad begin and Y/n finish.

"I'll just go up, Mr. Craig," she says. I hear her footsteps coming up the stairs at a very slow pace. I stepped out of the room and I don't know what I had said but even Y/n was confused at the sudden confidence I had.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and said: "Hey, babe."

She giggled a bit and said a "hey" back to me. I pulled her into my room and sat on the bed. She sits on the small seat at my window and goes on her phone.

We sat there for a few minutes in silence. I looked over at her on her phone. "Baby? Can you come here, please?" I ask. She walks over and sits next to me, our thighs were touching and so were out shoulders.

I smile at her when she looks at me and asks "What's up?" I move as close as I can and she looks at me carefully. I lean in and press my forehead to hers and carefully move my head up to kiss her forehead.

I kiss the tip of her nose and she wraps her arms around my neck, I wrap my own arms around her thin little waist. "I love you, Y/n," I say.

She blushes then whispers "I love you too," and cups my cheek. I quickly leaned in so that I'd be the one making the move and she wouldn't. I press my lips to hers and she kisses me back. We pull away for a second and she pulls me back in quickly to kiss me again. I smile into the kiss and deepen it a little bit. Nothing more than a passionate kiss.

We pulled away from each other and I smiled at her.

"Um... M-Malcolm?" She asks. I look up at her and she asks "why did that take you so long?" After she asked me that question I realized, I had the same exact question. I could only answer with three simple words.

"I don't know," was said with a smile on my face as she leaned in and hugged me around my waist.

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