Malcolm Craig: A Strangers Glasses

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 Y/n's POV 

 I entered this school in Vancouver, I have been going here since High School starts and winter break just ended and I looked around, I saw four kids running towards the music room, they almost took me down and I leaned against the wall. Then I noticed I dropped my keys in the middle of the hallway and people were walking through as if herds of elephants. I stood on the side of the hallway and waited for them all to pass through. Then they were kicked to the doors of the music room. I saw my friend f/n walking towards me and she asked: "What the hell are you doing standing here?"

 I rolled my eyes and said "keys were kicked to the music room so I have to fucking wait. For the halls to empty so I can go get them." She laughed and watched as I finally gave up.

 I pushed a chick to the side and she tripped and I got to the door and crouched down to pick them up and was hit with a guitar case on the temple and fell back. I almost immediately curled into a ball.

 "Oh shit!" I heard and there was someone crouched next to me and their hand was on my temple. I felt a liquid drip down the side of my head and the last thing I saw was curls and glasses before I was placed in complete darkness. 

 I woke up in the nurse's office. I saw that popular kid, Finn standing outside the door talking to the nurse, and curls and glasses staring at me through the door. He whispered something to Finn and came into the room with a huge smile on his face. He walked over to me and mumbled something before holding a freezing cold cloth to my face. I hissed and he whispered "sorry".

 I push his hand away and asked "who the hell even are you?" as I looked up at him.

 He mumbled under his breath "just a little bruised around the wound." and I death glared him. 

 "Excuse me. I asked you a question, stranger!"

He jumped a bit and stuttered out "I-I'm Malcolm. Um...  Malcolm Craig. " 

 I smiled a bit and held my hand out to shake his.  "Y/n"

After a few weeks, I became friends with his friends and himself. We were all sitting in Ayla's basement, or as they called it "their studio" I sat on a couch they had down there and Finn and Malcolm we're whispering to each other viciously. Then Jack came over and sat down next to me. Startling me.

He chuckled and said "calm down" as I calmed my breathing.  He began to talk to me about Malcolm.

Within minutes of talking about him, Malcolm came over and pushed Jack and sat in between us.

We laughed about random stuff until Malcolm faced me and just stared at me. I ignored it at first till I felt his hand touch mine.

Jack got up and walked over to Finn and stared at us.  I faced Malcolm. Malcolm stared at me for a long time. Then he scooted a bit closer to me. I blushed and he grabbed my face softly and whispered: "you're really cute Y/n." 

 I blushed and whispered "Well, I wouldn't say that maybe u-" there it was. His lips placed on my own. They weren't moulding, just gently placed there, upon my own. I kissed him back as he gently put his hand on mine. I tried to kiss him a little more, but he beat me to it, and now we were moulding our lips together, running out of breath when Ayla came downstairs and screamed. 

 "What the fuck?!" She yells. He pulled away super quick and Ayla slowly walked towards us and said: "My friend has a chick in his mouth." She looked pissed. All up until that pissed look formed into a happy ass smile. She started jumping and Finn and Jack looked super shocked. 

 Jack's POV 

 Ayla began jumping around, which is weird, she is never this happy. Finn and I looked at each other as if we had just seen a ghost. Same thing though, a pale ass white chick, jumping around. 

 I ignored her jumping when I looked over to see Malcolm and Y/n leaving, "Where are you two going?" I asked.

 Malcolm blushed and said, "To see a movie" and laughed as he walked out with her.

 I grabbed my boyfriends face and kissed him harshly. He looked at me with his brown eyes and said: "Fuck you, Jack."

 I smiled and said, "I love you to Finn." (Sorry not sorry)

  Malcolm's POV

 I walked slowly out of the movies with Y/n on my arm. I kissed her cheek quickly and started running. She chased after me and I grabbed a snowball and threw it at her, hitting her chest. She jumped a bit and then made her own which broke in mid-air hitting me in the shoulder and face. The snow was burying my eye and she ran over and began brushing the snow out of it.

 I laughed and that's when I noticed. "How did it get in my eye if I have glasses?" I thought. Then I noticed, they were gone. I looked around for a second and looked at her about to freak out on her about my glasses. When they were on her face. They made her gorgeous e/c eyes bigger and just a little more sparkly. I couldn't help but smash my lips on her own. She gasped a bit and I held it. I moved my lips to hers and she did the same back to me. 

 I heard "Holy fuck man! What the hell is going on over here?!" I pulled away and looked beside me to see Finn's eldest brother, Nick, standing there with a huge smile on his face.

 He said "Alright, so my buddy is making out with girls in parking lots and I don't get to know about it? That's not fair I feel. You son of a bitch."

 He walked away and I kissed her one last time as her mom pulled up to get her and she walked off and winked at me saying "See you later stranger." That's when I noticed, as she was getting in the car, she still had my glasses. Awesome. Blind for the night.

 HELLO EVERYONE! Thank you for reading my first imagine. I hope you enjoyed, the next one will be Jack Anderson, then Finn then Ayla (Yes I am doing gay ones because she makes me gayer than gay XD) and I really hope you could do me a solid and read my other two stories, they aren't complete but I would appreciate it if you could. Maybe throw in some votes and throw in some comments on whatcha think, on all my books, and I will see you next chapter. -Me

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