Finn Wolfhard: Cake Pops (Part 1)

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Finn's POV

 I was in the washroom of a Starbucks washing my hands and then I heard a huge zoom like noise blew through and the lights were out. I went out of the bathroom and the Starbucks was empty. All the lights were out and no employee was there.  Did all of them run out immediately when the day was ended? I sighed and went to the door but it was locked.

I walked over to a small couch area by a fireplace which was lit. I sat back and then I heard a door open. I looked at the bathrooms and saw a girl from the moonlight walk out she had tears in her eyes and tear stains down her cheeks. I ran over and hugged her and whispered: "are you okay?"

She pulled away and asked, "who are- OH MY GOD YOU'RE FINN WOLFHARD!" She screamed taking a step back.

 I sighed and said, "Yeah, Yeah, it's me don't cream your pants." She scoffed at my rudeness and walked away.

Around 30 minutes later she sat on a couch in the corner by the window. I walked over and sat next to her and grabbed her shoulder and shook it a bit, pulling away seconds after. She slightly looked at me, rolled her eyes, and looked out the window. I said, "I'm sorry my attitude was so-" 

 She cut me off "I don't care Mr. Disrespect." She started walking away after she got up from the couch.

 I grabbed her arm and said, "I really am sorry." 

She scoffed and rolled her eyes "Are you? Are you like that with fans?"

 I held her hands and said, "I just want to get out of here." 

She hugged me and said "Me too, I'm really cold. Also really hungry."

 I hugged her back and said, "We could go look in the back, they might have a blanket or something."

 I pulled away and walked into the back hearing her say "Oh yeah! A cafe with a freaking blanket!" and a giggle. It was a cute giggle.

 I was going through the back when I saw a supply of those pink cake pops. I grabbed the whole tray, at least 50 on it, I saw a quilt like a poncho blanket like thing. I grabbed that too and carried them out.

 I threw the poncho over her head and she laughed. I began eating a cake pop and she walked over and reached over my shoulder reaching out for the tray. I tore the tray away and said "Oh yeah? How about you fucking test me! This is my cake pop tray. You cannot have it -" I froze noticing I didn't know this adorable girls name.

She giggles and says "Y/n!"

 I smiled and said "Y/n. I like it. I like it a lot. " She giggles and I put the tray down on the counter and she stood in front of me. 

It was silent. Only silence passed between us. That is until I felt a hand on my chest. I looked down at Y/n's small hand on my chest and walked a bit closer to her, her hand still placed on my chest. I leant down and pecked her cheek. She grabbed my face and pulled me in for a deep, romantic, kiss, right on her lips. She cupped my face, I squeezed her hips. She melted into my arms and whipped her small, slim, arms around my neck. I pinned her to the countertop and continued to kiss her with more power and force.

She pulled away and grabbed a cake pop from beside her she bit into it and I bit into the other side.  She blushed and laughed out "ew" and I smirked and kissed her again. I looked at the clock in the back and it was 3 a.m. Y/n clutched onto me and pulled my mouth back to her and I happily squished my lips against hers.

We were making out on the counter still and my phone was ringing. I took it out of my pocket and it was my mom. I said "hold on" and answered the call. "Hello?"

 My mom immediately started yelling about where I was and I tried to talk but she kept yelling. Then Y/n crushed my shoulder and licked my neck.  I shuddered and my mom said"Home! Now!"

"M-MOM!  I c-can't.  I-I got stuck-STUCK IN A FUCKING STARBUCKS!"

 She says "don't forget when you get out to come home and no swearing! How the hell did you get in there anyway?" I went to answer but then I heard a beep. It hung up and I lightly pushed Y/n away from me.

 I kissed her forehead and asked "after we get out of here, I would enjoy to treat you to a normal time at Starbucks, during the day I mean. Would you like that?" She blushed and nods her head yes. I kissed her cheek and all the lights went on and a man walked in. He death glared us and I noticed this meant the slidey door was open.

 I ran through it with Y/n. She giggled and clutched my arm as we walked down the street. I kissed her softly on the corner of her mouth and saw my brother up ahead. He walked up to me and grabbed me from Y/n. He said, "Dude mom made me look for you like... 2 minutes ago."

 I smirked and kissed her temple and whispered "I got to go. You okay going home alone?" She teared up a bit and nodded her head yes.

 She started walking away and I gently grabbed her hand and she slipped it out of my hand walking away quickly. I went to walk with her and then I noticed my brother pulling me away from her.

I had to text her when I got home and that's what I did, grabbed my phone out so I could text her. That's when I noticed I didn't get her number or anything. I punched my wall, and then I quickly looked at my Instagram and went to the search collum. I typed in Y/n and I went through the profiles that came up and saw a profile picture and clicked the account. I noticed it was her face in the profile picture and clicked "follow" on the page and smirked.

 I put my phone on my bedside table. I slowly started drifting to sleep until I heard a small ding. I looked at my phone and saw an Instagram notification. I smiled as I saw "Y/I/N (Your Instagram Name)  has accepted your follow request". I whipped my phone into my hand and immediately went to DM her, I smiled as she had messaged first. At least, until I read the message. 

 From: Y/n

                         Help. Please. I live in Y/H (Your home). Please, Finn. I need help.

  Part 2?

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