Malcolm Craig: "Promposal"

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 Malcolm's POV

I sat with Jack and Finn on my couch thinking up ways to ask my girlfriend Y/n to prom. It was impossible as Finn was throwing out extravagant ways to do it.

Jack turned to me with our 240th idea. "What if we made her a cake that she eats and then you somehow symbolize a spot on the cake where a note is. Cut out that piece, give it to her and hope she doesn't choke on the paper with the question."

I shook my head and said "You literally just stated the problem. I can't just HOPE she doesn't choke. I'm too busy hoping she doesn't reject me." I groaned as Finn called out my name.

"I have a wonderful idea," he says with his arms crossed as if he is a god of all.

"And that is?" I asked with zero enthusiasm while slouching over looking at him.

"A zoo trip." He had a huge smile on his face.

"Okay, shut up" was my only response.

"NO! Listen to me Malcolm, imagine how happy she'd be if you brought her to her favourite place, had a choir singing as you asked her to be your date to prom with a HUGE banner!" He had an even bigger.

"Minus the choir, sure," I said looking at him with, again, zero enthusiasm.

"Yes! I can go make your banner! It will be fucking awesome! Jack will help me, " he grabbed Jack's hand and ran out so I texted Y/n to get it started.

I checked the calendar and realized it was Friday and I could take her on Sunday. I messaged her "hey beautiful" and she replied within seconds.

"Hey! You wanna do anything this weekend?" I blushed at her reply.

I said, "Yeah, I wanna take you to the zoo on Sunday actually, wanna go with me?"

She said "Is that why you messaged me? To ask that?"

I nodded my head as if she could see but typed out "Kind of."

She accepted my zoo offer and I smiled as I began prepping for two days from now.

We've been at the zoo awhile and I smiled as she held her koala plushie close. She sat on a bench with me and Finn, Jack and Ayla were on their way over with the banner but I figured it out.

I don't need a big thing. I can just... ask her. I waved him away and he looked angry as he stormed off with the pair.

I made Y/n face me. "Don't hate me" was the first thing I said as I held her hands. She giggled and nodded her head in understanding.

"Baby... I want to take you to prom. Are you okay with that? You can say no! I'm not gonna push you to say anything other than your truthful an-" she kissed me.

I kissed her back and she pulled away to say "Yeah, take me, it'll be fun. Stop being so panicky. I love you."

I smiled and said "I love you too. And to think, I was gonna have a banner and a choir."


I sighed and kissed her one last time before holding her close and ignoring the angry curly haired boy in front of us. 

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